
424B3: Prospectus

424B3: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  06/18 18:03
On June 17, 2024, MultiSensor AI Holdings, Inc., trading as Infrared Cameras on The Nasdaq Global Market under the symbols 'MSAI' for its Common Stock and 'MSAIW' for its Warrants, filed a prospectus supplement. This filing updates and amends the original prospectus dated April 26, 2024, and includes information from the company's Current Report on Form 8-K. The supplement, which must be read in conjunction with the original prospectus, details the results of the company's 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on the same day. At the meeting, shareholders elected six director nominees and approved the ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent auditor, the issuance of shares pursuant to an equity line of credit, and the potential adjournment of the meeting if necessary. The closing prices for the company's Common Stock and Warrants on June 17 were $2.07 and $0.0218, respectively. MultiSensor AI Holdings identifies as an 'emerging growth company' and 'smaller reporting company,' which allows for reduced public company reporting requirements.
On June 17, 2024, MultiSensor AI Holdings, Inc., trading as Infrared Cameras on The Nasdaq Global Market under the symbols 'MSAI' for its Common Stock and 'MSAIW' for its Warrants, filed a prospectus supplement. This filing updates and amends the original prospectus dated April 26, 2024, and includes information from the company's Current Report on Form 8-K. The supplement, which must be read in conjunction with the original prospectus, details the results of the company's 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on the same day. At the meeting, shareholders elected six director nominees and approved the ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent auditor, the issuance of shares pursuant to an equity line of credit, and the potential adjournment of the meeting if necessary. The closing prices for the company's Common Stock and Warrants on June 17 were $2.07 and $0.0218, respectively. MultiSensor AI Holdings identifies as an 'emerging growth company' and 'smaller reporting company,' which allows for reduced public company reporting requirements.
2024年6月17日,MultiSensor AI Holdings,Inc.,在納斯達克全球市場上以“MSAI”爲其普通股的交易代碼,以“MSAIW”爲其認股權證的交易代碼,作爲紅外攝像頭進行交易,並提交了一份招股書補充說明。本次提交更新並修改了2024年4月26日的原招股說明書,幷包括公司第8-K表格的信息。本次補充說明書必須與原招股說明書一起閱讀,詳細說明了公司於同一天舉行的2024年股東周年大會的結果。在股東大會上,股東們選舉了六位董事候選人,並批准了德勤會計師事務所作爲獨立核數師,按照股權信貸額度發行股份,以及必要時可能進行的會議休會。該公司普通股的收盤價和認股權證在6月17日分別爲2.07美元和0.0218美元。MultiSensor AI Holdings被認定爲“新興成長型公司”和“較小型報告公司”,可以減少公共公司報告要求。
2024年6月17日,MultiSensor AI Holdings,Inc.,在納斯達克全球市場上以“MSAI”爲其普通股的交易代碼,以“MSAIW”爲其認股權證的交易代碼,作爲紅外攝像頭進行交易,並提交了一份招股書補充說明。本次提交更新並修改了2024年4月26日的原招股說明書,幷包括公司第8-K表格的信息。本次補充說明書必須與原招股說明書一起閱讀,詳細說明了公司於同一天舉行的2024年股東周年大會的結果。在股東大會上,股東們選舉了六位董事候選人,並批准了德勤會計師事務所作爲獨立核數師,按照股權信貸額度發行股份,以及必要時可能進行的會議休會。該公司普通股的收盤價和認股權證在6月17日分別爲2.07美元和0.0218美元。MultiSensor AI Holdings被認定爲“新興成長型公司”和“較小型報告公司”,可以減少公共公司報告要求。


