
Tesla | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

Tesla | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

特斯拉 | PX14A6G:豁免招標通知
美股SEC公告 ·  06/13 18:04
Tesla, Inc. faces a shareholder proposal urging the company to report on the health effects and financial risks associated with electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and wireless technologies in its vehicles. The proposal, submitted by the Environmental Health Trust and supported by Tesla investor Lendri Purcell, calls for an annual report detailing independent expert test results of magnetic fields and RF radiation for each Tesla vehicle model. The proposal highlights concerns about the potential health, liability, and reputational risks posed by non-ionizing EMF, which many researchers believe could have significant health impacts. Despite Tesla's claims of compliance with FCC standards and other regulations, the proposal argues that current guidelines are outdated and do not adequately protect against long-term exposure...Show More
Tesla, Inc. faces a shareholder proposal urging the company to report on the health effects and financial risks associated with electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and wireless technologies in its vehicles. The proposal, submitted by the Environmental Health Trust and supported by Tesla investor Lendri Purcell, calls for an annual report detailing independent expert test results of magnetic fields and RF radiation for each Tesla vehicle model. The proposal highlights concerns about the potential health, liability, and reputational risks posed by non-ionizing EMF, which many researchers believe could have significant health impacts. Despite Tesla's claims of compliance with FCC standards and other regulations, the proposal argues that current guidelines are outdated and do not adequately protect against long-term exposure to EMF. The proposal also points to a recent U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that found the FCC's decision to maintain its 1996 wireless radiation limits was arbitrary and capricious, failing to address evidence of non-cancer health effects and the unique vulnerability of children. The proposal recommends that Tesla 'compete on safety' by providing transparency on EMF emissions and taking proactive steps to mitigate potential risks.
特斯拉公司面臨股東提案,敦促公司報告其車輛中電磁輻射(EMF)和無線技術的健康影響和財務風險。此提案由環保母基(Environmental Health Trust)提交,並得到特斯拉股東 Lendri Purcell 的支持,要求年度報告詳細說明每輛特斯拉車型的磁場和射頻輻射的獨立專家測試結果。該提案強調了非電離性 EMF 可能會帶來的潛在健康、責任和聲譽風險,許多研究人員認爲這可能會產生重要的健康影響。儘管特斯拉聲稱符合 FCC 標準和其他規定,但該提案認爲當前的指導方針過時,不足以對抗對 EMF 的長期暴露。該提案還指出,美國上訴法院最近裁定發現 FCC 維持其 1996 年的無線輻射限制的決定是武斷和反覆無常的,未能解決非癌症健康影響和兒童的獨特易感性的證據。該提案建議特斯拉“在安全方面競爭”,通過提供有關 EMF 排放的透明度並採取積極措施減輕潛在風險。
特斯拉公司面臨股東提案,敦促公司報告其車輛中電磁輻射(EMF)和無線技術的健康影響和財務風險。此提案由環保母基(Environmental Health Trust)提交,並得到特斯拉股東 Lendri Purcell 的支持,要求年度報告詳細說明每輛特斯拉車型的磁場和射頻輻射的獨立專家測試結果。該提案強調了非電離性 EMF 可能會帶來的潛在健康、責任和聲譽風險,許多研究人員認爲這可能會產生重要的健康影響。儘管特斯拉聲稱符合 FCC 標準和其他規定,但該提案認爲當前的指導方針過時,不足以對抗對 EMF 的長期暴露。該提案還指出,美國上訴法院最近裁定發現 FCC 維持其 1996 年的無線輻射限制的決定是武斷和反覆無常的,未能解決非癌症健康影響和兒童的獨特易感性的證據。該提案建議特斯拉“在安全方面競爭”,通過提供有關 EMF 排放的透明度並採取積極措施減輕潛在風險。


