
Lululemon Athletica | 8-K: Voting Results of Annual Shareholders' Meeting

Lululemon Athletica | 8-K: Voting Results of Annual Shareholders' Meeting

Lululemon Athletica | 8-K:年度股東大會投票結果
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/13 04:19


On June 6, 2024, Lululemon Athletica Inc. held its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders where several key decisions were made. Shareholders voted on the election of four Class II directors and the continuation of two Class I directors, all of whom were elected with more votes for than against. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was ratified as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending February 2, 2025. Additionally, the compensation of the company's named executive officers was approved on an advisory basis. However, a shareholder proposal regarding the report on the impact of the production and sale of animal-derived products was not approved. The meeting saw active participation from shareholders, with a significant number of votes cast for each agenda item.
On June 6, 2024, Lululemon Athletica Inc. held its 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders where several key decisions were made. Shareholders voted on the election of four Class II directors and the continuation of two Class I directors, all of whom were elected with more votes for than against. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was ratified as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending February 2, 2025. Additionally, the compensation of the company's named executive officers was approved on an advisory basis. However, a shareholder proposal regarding the report on the impact of the production and sale of animal-derived products was not approved. The meeting saw active participation from shareholders, with a significant number of votes cast for each agenda item.
2024年6月6日,Lululemon Athletica Inc.召開了2024年股東年度大會,做出了幾項關鍵決定。股東們就選舉四名二類董事以及續任兩名一類董事進行投票,他們全部獲得了比反對票更多的贊成票。普華永道會計師事務所被認可爲獨立的註冊會計師,服務截止於2025年2月2日的財年。此外,公司命名的高管薪酬方案以諮詢方式獲得批准,然而一位股東提交的關於動物衍生產品生產和銷售影響報告的提案未獲通過。大會上股東積極參與,每個議程項目都獲得了大量的投票。
2024年6月6日,Lululemon Athletica Inc.召開了2024年股東年度大會,做出了幾項關鍵決定。股東們就選舉四名二類董事以及續任兩名一類董事進行投票,他們全部獲得了比反對票更多的贊成票。普華永道會計師事務所被認可爲獨立的註冊會計師,服務截止於2025年2月2日的財年。此外,公司命名的高管薪酬方案以諮詢方式獲得批准,然而一位股東提交的關於動物衍生產品生產和銷售影響報告的提案未獲通過。大會上股東積極參與,每個議程項目都獲得了大量的投票。


