
Boeing | UPLOAD: Others

Boeing | UPLOAD: Others

波音 | UPLOAD:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  04/13 04:12
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a letter to Boeing Co's Senior Vice President and Controller, Michael Cleary, regarding its Form 10-K filed on January 31, 2024. The SEC's review has led to several comments requesting Boeing to provide additional information within ten business days. The SEC has asked Boeing to quantify the impact of supply chain disruptions and inflation on its cost structure, revenue, profits, and liquidity in future filings. Additionally, the SEC seeks a more detailed breakdown of Boeing's 737 variants in its backlog to enhance investor understanding. Concerns were also raised about Boeing's substantial Goodwill balance and the operating losses in its Commercial Airplanes and Defense, Space & Security segments. The SEC has...Show More
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a letter to Boeing Co's Senior Vice President and Controller, Michael Cleary, regarding its Form 10-K filed on January 31, 2024. The SEC's review has led to several comments requesting Boeing to provide additional information within ten business days. The SEC has asked Boeing to quantify the impact of supply chain disruptions and inflation on its cost structure, revenue, profits, and liquidity in future filings. Additionally, the SEC seeks a more detailed breakdown of Boeing's 737 variants in its backlog to enhance investor understanding. Concerns were also raised about Boeing's substantial Goodwill balance and the operating losses in its Commercial Airplanes and Defense, Space & Security segments. The SEC has requested Boeing to disclose whether a qualitative or quantitative impairment test was performed, the methods and assumptions used for testing, and the fair value of reporting units in relation to their carrying value. Boeing is also asked to identify any reporting units with zero or negative carrying amounts of net assets and the amount of goodwill allocated to each. The SEC reminds Boeing of its responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of its disclosures.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)向波音公司高級副總裁兼控制器邁克爾·克利爾(Michael Cleary)發出了一封信,涉及其於2024年1月31日提交的10-K表格。SEC的審查已經引發了多項評論,要求波音在10個工作日內提供額外信息。SEC要求波音在未來的報告中量化供應鏈破壞和通貨膨脹對其成本結構、營收、利潤和流動性的影響。此外,SEC還要求波音更詳細地了解其備貨中737各個變種的情況,以增強投資者的理解。同時,人們還普遍擔心波音巨大的商譽餘額以及其商用飛機和國防、太空和安防半導體業務的運營虧損。SEC已要求波音披露是否進行了定性或定量減值測試,測試的方法和假設以及與其賬面價值相關的報告單位的公允價值。波音還被要求確定任何具有零或負淨資產賬面價值的報告單位以及分配給每個報告單位的商譽金額。SEC提醒波音對其披露的準確性和充分性負有責任。
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)向波音公司高級副總裁兼控制器邁克爾·克利爾(Michael Cleary)發出了一封信,涉及其於2024年1月31日提交的10-K表格。SEC的審查已經引發了多項評論,要求波音在10個工作日內提供額外信息。SEC要求波音在未來的報告中量化供應鏈破壞和通貨膨脹對其成本結構、營收、利潤和流動性的影響。此外,SEC還要求波音更詳細地了解其備貨中737各個變種的情況,以增強投資者的理解。同時,人們還普遍擔心波音巨大的商譽餘額以及其商用飛機和國防、太空和安防半導體業務的運營虧損。SEC已要求波音披露是否進行了定性或定量減值測試,測試的方法和假設以及與其賬面價值相關的報告單位的公允價值。波音還被要求確定任何具有零或負淨資產賬面價值的報告單位以及分配給每個報告單位的商譽金額。SEC提醒波音對其披露的準確性和充分性負有責任。


