
WiSA Technologies | 8-K: Current report

WiSA Technologies | 8-K: Current report

WiSA Technologies | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  06/12 20:56
WiSA Technologies, Inc., a leader in wireless audio technology, announced significant changes to its Board of Directors on June 12, 2024. Lisa Cummins resigned from her position on the Board, effective the same day. Cummins' departure was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. She had been a member of the Audit Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. To fill the vacancy, the Board appointed Kimberly Briskey as a new director, effective immediately. Briskey, with over 15 years of experience in strategic business and financial operations, currently serves as the Brand CFO of Eddie Bauer at SPARC Group LLC. Her background includes senior roles at various retail and e-commerce companies, and she holds a...Show More
WiSA Technologies, Inc., a leader in wireless audio technology, announced significant changes to its Board of Directors on June 12, 2024. Lisa Cummins resigned from her position on the Board, effective the same day. Cummins' departure was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. She had been a member of the Audit Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. To fill the vacancy, the Board appointed Kimberly Briskey as a new director, effective immediately. Briskey, with over 15 years of experience in strategic business and financial operations, currently serves as the Brand CFO of Eddie Bauer at SPARC Group LLC. Her background includes senior roles at various retail and e-commerce companies, and she holds a Bachelor of Science in Global Business and Marketing from Arizona State University. Briskey will also join the Board's Audit Committee and will stand for election at the next annual meeting of stockholders. WiSA Technologies has entered into a standard indemnity agreement with Briskey and will compensate her with equity under the company's 2018 Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan. The company publicly expressed gratitude to Cummins for her service and welcomed Briskey, highlighting her multi-channel financial expertise as a valuable addition to the leadership team.
wisa technologies,無線音頻技術領域的領先者,於2024年6月12日宣佈其董事會進行了重大變革。Lisa Cummins辭去了她在董事會的職務,同日生效。Cummins的離開並非因爲與公司的經營、政策或做法存在任何分歧。她曾是審計委員會和提名和公司治理委員會的成員。爲填補這一空缺,董事會立即任命了Kimberly Briskey爲新的董事。Briskey擁有15年以上戰略業務和財務運營經驗,目前擔任SPARC Group LLC旗下Eddie Bauer的品牌CFO。她的背景包括在各種零售和電子商務公司的高級職務,並且她擁有亞利桑那州立大學的全球商業和市場營銷學士學位。Bris...展開全部
wisa technologies,無線音頻技術領域的領先者,於2024年6月12日宣佈其董事會進行了重大變革。Lisa Cummins辭去了她在董事會的職務,同日生效。Cummins的離開並非因爲與公司的經營、政策或做法存在任何分歧。她曾是審計委員會和提名和公司治理委員會的成員。爲填補這一空缺,董事會立即任命了Kimberly Briskey爲新的董事。Briskey擁有15年以上戰略業務和財務運營經驗,目前擔任SPARC Group LLC旗下Eddie Bauer的品牌CFO。她的背景包括在各種零售和電子商務公司的高級職務,並且她擁有亞利桑那州立大學的全球商業和市場營銷學士學位。Briskey還將加入董事會的審計委員會,並將在下一次股東年會上競選。WiSA Technologies已與Briskey簽訂了標準的賠償協議,並根據公司的2018年長期股權激勵計劃向她提供股份補償。公司公開感謝Cummins的服務,並歡迎Briskey加入領導團隊,強調她的多渠道財務專業知識是可貴的補充。


