
Tesla | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

Tesla | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

特斯拉 | PX14A6G:豁免招標通知
美股SEC公告 ·  06/12 04:48
Tesla, Inc. has been the subject of a recent exempt solicitation notice, with Asuna P. Gilfoyle of A.P. Gilfoyle Arenite Fund (I), L.P. relying on the exemption. The notice included materials that were submitted in compliance with Rule 14a-6(g)(1), specifically highlighting social media posts made by Gilfoyle on June 11, 2024. In these posts, Gilfoyle praised Tesla CEO Elon Musk for his commitment to shareholder value, noting that Musk has foregone stock compensation and bonuses for a decade, contingent on delivering exceptional shareholder value. Gilfoyle expressed confidence in Musk's continued ability to enhance shareholder wealth. The posts also referenced Tesla's consistent revenue growth from 2008 to 2023, with an accompanying graph illustrating the upward trend.
Tesla, Inc. has been the subject of a recent exempt solicitation notice, with Asuna P. Gilfoyle of A.P. Gilfoyle Arenite Fund (I), L.P. relying on the exemption. The notice included materials that were submitted in compliance with Rule 14a-6(g)(1), specifically highlighting social media posts made by Gilfoyle on June 11, 2024. In these posts, Gilfoyle praised Tesla CEO Elon Musk for his commitment to shareholder value, noting that Musk has foregone stock compensation and bonuses for a decade, contingent on delivering exceptional shareholder value. Gilfoyle expressed confidence in Musk's continued ability to enhance shareholder wealth. The posts also referenced Tesla's consistent revenue growth from 2008 to 2023, with an accompanying graph illustrating the upward trend.
特斯拉公司最近一直是豁免招標通知的對象,A.P. Gilfoyle Arenite Fund(I)有限責任公司的Asuna P. Gilfoyle依賴豁免。該通知包括根據第14a-6(g)(1)條提交的材料,特別強調了吉爾福伊爾於2024年6月11日在社交媒體上發佈的帖子。在這些文章中,吉爾福伊爾讚揚了特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克對股東價值的承諾,並指出馬斯克十年來一直放棄股票薪酬和獎金,前提是提供卓越的股東價值。吉爾福伊爾對馬斯克繼續增加股東財富的能力表示信心。這些帖子還提到了特斯拉在2008年至2023年間的持續收入增長,隨附的圖表說明了上升趨勢。
特斯拉公司最近一直是豁免招標通知的對象,A.P. Gilfoyle Arenite Fund(I)有限責任公司的Asuna P. Gilfoyle依賴豁免。該通知包括根據第14a-6(g)(1)條提交的材料,特別強調了吉爾福伊爾於2024年6月11日在社交媒體上發佈的帖子。在這些文章中,吉爾福伊爾讚揚了特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克對股東價值的承諾,並指出馬斯克十年來一直放棄股票薪酬和獎金,前提是提供卓越的股東價值。吉爾福伊爾對馬斯克繼續增加股東財富的能力表示信心。這些帖子還提到了特斯拉在2008年至2023年間的持續收入增長,隨附的圖表說明了上升趨勢。


