
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

美股SEC公告 ·  06/07 18:07
Bilibili Inc. has filed a report with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited detailing the movements in its authorized share capital and issued shares for May 2024. The report, dated June 7, 2024, indicates no changes in the authorized share capital, maintaining the balance at USD 1,000,000. However, there was a slight increase in issued Class Z WVR ordinary shares, listed on the SEHK under stock code 09626, with 265,679 new shares issued during the month, resulting in a closing balance of 329,279,765 shares. The increase is attributed to the exercise of share options under the company's 2018 Share Incentive Plan and Global Share Incentive Plan, which raised USD 26.57 in funds. No new options will be granted under these plans following the company's conversion to primary listing status on the SEHK as of October 3, 2022. The report also confirms that all legal and listing requirements have been met in relation to the securities issued.
Bilibili Inc. has filed a report with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited detailing the movements in its authorized share capital and issued shares for May 2024. The report, dated June 7, 2024, indicates no changes in the authorized share capital, maintaining the balance at USD 1,000,000. However, there was a slight increase in issued Class Z WVR ordinary shares, listed on the SEHK under stock code 09626, with 265,679 new shares issued during the month, resulting in a closing balance of 329,279,765 shares. The increase is attributed to the exercise of share options under the company's 2018 Share Incentive Plan and Global Share Incentive Plan, which raised USD 26.57 in funds. No new options will be granted under these plans following the company's conversion to primary listing status on the SEHK as of October 3, 2022. The report also confirms that all legal and listing requirements have been met in relation to the securities issued.
嗶哩嗶哩公司已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)和香港聯合交易所有限公司提交了一份報告,詳細說明了其授權股本和發行股份在2024年5月的變動情況。報告日期爲2024年6月7日,表明授權股本沒有變化,仍爲1,000,000美元。然而,在港交所上市的Z WVR普通股(股票代碼09626)的發行量略有增長,該股票在當月發行了265,679股新股份,使得收盤平衡達到了329,279,765股。這一增長歸因於公司2018年股權激勵計劃和全球股權激勵計劃下的股票期權行使,籌集了26.57美元的基金。在2022年10月3日公司轉爲香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市後,這些計劃將不再授予新的期權。報告還確認,所有的法律和上市要求與該證券發行相關的要求已得到滿足。
嗶哩嗶哩公司已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)和香港聯合交易所有限公司提交了一份報告,詳細說明了其授權股本和發行股份在2024年5月的變動情況。報告日期爲2024年6月7日,表明授權股本沒有變化,仍爲1,000,000美元。然而,在港交所上市的Z WVR普通股(股票代碼09626)的發行量略有增長,該股票在當月發行了265,679股新股份,使得收盤平衡達到了329,279,765股。這一增長歸因於公司2018年股權激勵計劃和全球股權激勵計劃下的股票期權行使,籌集了26.57美元的基金。在2022年10月3日公司轉爲香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市後,這些計劃將不再授予新的期權。報告還確認,所有的法律和上市要求與該證券發行相關的要求已得到滿足。


