


美股SEC公告 ·  04/11 01:37
Airship AI Holdings, Inc. has submitted Amendment No. 2 to its Registration Statement on Form S-1 to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to comments from the SEC staff. The amendment includes revised disclosures regarding the price paid by selling securityholders for their shares, the exercise prices of warrants, the potential impact of share sales on the market price of common stock, and the company's liquidity and capital resources. Notably, the amendment addresses the potential for negative market pressure due to the sale of a substantial portion of shares for resale, particularly by major shareholders Derek Xu and Victor Huang. The company has also updated its risk factors to reflect these concerns and the potential impact on its ability to raise additional capital. The response to the SEC's comments was submitted on April 10, 2024, and includes revisions to the cover page, risk factors, and Management's Discussion and Analysis sections of the Registration Statement.
Airship AI Holdings, Inc. has submitted Amendment No. 2 to its Registration Statement on Form S-1 to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to comments from the SEC staff. The amendment includes revised disclosures regarding the price paid by selling securityholders for their shares, the exercise prices of warrants, the potential impact of share sales on the market price of common stock, and the company's liquidity and capital resources. Notably, the amendment addresses the potential for negative market pressure due to the sale of a substantial portion of shares for resale, particularly by major shareholders Derek Xu and Victor Huang. The company has also updated its risk factors to reflect these concerns and the potential impact on its ability to raise additional capital. The response to the SEC's comments was submitted on April 10, 2024, and includes revisions to the cover page, risk factors, and Management's Discussion and Analysis sections of the Registration Statement.
Airship AI Holdings, Inc.已向美國證券交易所(SEC)提交了第二份S-1表格註冊聲明的修正案,作爲對SEC工作人員評論的回應。 修正案包括修訂後的披露,涉及賣方證券持有人支付其股票的價格,認股權證的行使價格,股票出售對普通股的市場價格的潛在影響以及公司的流動性和資本資源。 值得注意的是,修正案解決了由大股東Derek Xu和Victor Huang擬通過大量股票轉賣導致的負面市場壓力的潛在問題。 公司還更新了其風險因素,以反映這些問題及其對其籌集額外資本的潛在影響。 對於SEC的回覆提交於2024年4月10日,包括對註冊聲明的封面頁面,風險因素和管理討論和分析部分的修訂。
Airship AI Holdings, Inc.已向美國證券交易所(SEC)提交了第二份S-1表格註冊聲明的修正案,作爲對SEC工作人員評論的回應。 修正案包括修訂後的披露,涉及賣方證券持有人支付其股票的價格,認股權證的行使價格,股票出售對普通股的市場價格的潛在影響以及公司的流動性和資本資源。 值得注意的是,修正案解決了由大股東Derek Xu和Victor Huang擬通過大量股票轉賣導致的負面市場壓力的潛在問題。 公司還更新了其風險因素,以反映這些問題及其對其籌集額外資本的潛在影響。 對於SEC的回覆提交於2024年4月10日,包括對註冊聲明的封面頁面,風險因素和管理討論和分析部分的修訂。


