

INNOVENT BIO: Form of Proxy for use at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held onFriday, June 21, 2024

HKEX ·  Jun 4 17:40
Summary by Futu AI
信達生物製藥INNOVENT BIOLOGICS, INC.將於2024年6月21日舉行股東特別大會,地點為中國蘇州工業園區信達生物行政大樓。會議將審議並投票決定一系列決議案,包括批准根據2020年受限制股份計劃向俞德超博士、奚浩先生、許懿尹女士、Charles Leland Cooney博士、陳凱先博士、Gary Zieziula先生和陳樹云先生授出受限制股份的建議。此外,股東亦將審議批准2024年股份計劃,該計劃將在首次公開發售後實施,並設有計劃授權限額。股東將通過填寫代表委任表格的方式,指定代表出席大會並代表其投票。所有相關文件須於大會前48小時送達香港中央證券登記有限公司。
信達生物製藥INNOVENT BIOLOGICS, INC.將於2024年6月21日舉行股東特別大會,地點為中國蘇州工業園區信達生物行政大樓。會議將審議並投票決定一系列決議案,包括批准根據2020年受限制股份計劃向俞德超博士、奚浩先生、許懿尹女士、Charles Leland Cooney博士、陳凱先博士、Gary Zieziula先生和陳樹云先生授出受限制股份的建議。此外,股東亦將審議批准2024年股份計劃,該計劃將在首次公開發售後實施,並設有計劃授權限額。股東將通過填寫代表委任表格的方式,指定代表出席大會並代表其投票。所有相關文件須於大會前48小時送達香港中央證券登記有限公司。
Innovent Biologics, INC. will hold a shareholder's special meeting on June 21st, 2024, at the administrative building of Innovent Biologics in Suzhou Industrial Park, China. The meeting will review and vote on a series of resolutions, including approval of proposals to grant restricted shares under the 2020 Restricted Share Plan to Dr. Yu Dechao, Mr. Xi Hao, Ms. Xu Yiying, Dr. Charles Leland Cooney, Dr. Chen Kai, Mr. Gary Zieziula, and Mr. Chen Shuyun, as well as approval of the 2024 Share Incentive Plan, which will be implemented after the initial public offering and has a plan authorization limit. Shareholders will appoint representatives to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf by completing the proxy form. All relevant documents must be delivered to Hong Kong Securities Registration Co., Ltd. at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Innovent Biologics, INC. will hold a shareholder's special meeting on June 21st, 2024, at the administrative building of Innovent Biologics in Suzhou Industrial Park, China. The meeting will review and vote on a series of resolutions, including approval of proposals to grant restricted shares under the 2020 Restricted Share Plan to Dr. Yu Dechao, Mr. Xi Hao, Ms. Xu Yiying, Dr. Charles Leland Cooney, Dr. Chen Kai, Mr. Gary Zieziula, and Mr. Chen Shuyun, as well as approval of the 2024 Share Incentive Plan, which will be implemented after the initial public offering and has a plan authorization limit. Shareholders will appoint representatives to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf by completing the proxy form. All relevant documents must be delivered to Hong Kong Securities Registration Co., Ltd. at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

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