
Super Micro Computer | SD: Specialized disclosure report

Super Micro Computer | SD: Specialized disclosure report

超微電腦 | SD:專項披露公告
美股SEC公告 ·  05/25 05:13
Super Micro Computer, Inc. has completed its annual filing of Form SD with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2023. The specialized disclosure report, signed by Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer David Weigand, details the company's due diligence measures regarding the sourcing of conflict minerals, which are necessary for the functionality or production of their products. Despite efforts, Super Micro Computer has not been able to fully ascertain the source mine and country of origin for all conflict minerals used. The company has conducted a Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI) and exercised due diligence in line with the OECD Guidance, but reports that a significant number of suppliers source from or use smelters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. The full Conflict Minerals Report is available on the company's investor relations website.
Super Micro Computer, Inc. has completed its annual filing of Form SD with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2023. The specialized disclosure report, signed by Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer David Weigand, details the company's due diligence measures regarding the sourcing of conflict minerals, which are necessary for the functionality or production of their products. Despite efforts, Super Micro Computer has not been able to fully ascertain the source mine and country of origin for all conflict minerals used. The company has conducted a Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (RCOI) and exercised due diligence in line with the OECD Guidance, but reports that a significant number of suppliers source from or use smelters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. The full Conflict Minerals Report is available on the company's investor relations website.
Super Micro Computer, Inc.已完成向美國證券交易委員會提交2023年1月1日至12月31日報告期的年度SD表格。這份由高級副總裁兼首席財務官戴維·韋根簽署的專業披露報告詳細介紹了公司對沖突礦產採購的盡職調查措施,衝突礦產是其產品功能或生產所必需的。儘管做出了努力,Super Micro Computer仍無法完全確定所使用的所有衝突礦產的來源地和原產國。該公司根據經合組織指南進行了合理原產國調查(RCOI)並進行了盡職調查,但報告稱,大量供應商從剛果民主共和國或鄰國採購或使用冶煉廠。完整的衝突礦產報告可在該公司的投資者關係網站上查閱。
Super Micro Computer, Inc.已完成向美國證券交易委員會提交2023年1月1日至12月31日報告期的年度SD表格。這份由高級副總裁兼首席財務官戴維·韋根簽署的專業披露報告詳細介紹了公司對沖突礦產採購的盡職調查措施,衝突礦產是其產品功能或生產所必需的。儘管做出了努力,Super Micro Computer仍無法完全確定所使用的所有衝突礦產的來源地和原產國。該公司根據經合組織指南進行了合理原產國調查(RCOI)並進行了盡職調查,但報告稱,大量供應商從剛果民主共和國或鄰國採購或使用冶煉廠。完整的衝突礦產報告可在該公司的投資者關係網站上查閱。


