
Chewy | ARS: Annual Report to Security Holders

Chewy | ARS: Annual Report to Security Holders

Chewy | ARS:年度報告
美股SEC公告 ·  05/25 04:20


Chewy, Inc., a leading online destination for pet products, has released its Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report. The company's mission is to be the most trusted and convenient platform for pet parents and partners. The Board of Directors includes Raymond Svider as the Chairperson and Sumit Singh as the CEO, among other notable members from BC Partners LLP and various industries. Deloitte & Touche LLP serves as the independent registered public accounting firm, and Equiniti Trust Company, LLC is the transfer agent and registrar. Chewy's Class A common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'CHWY'. The company maintains active communication with its investors through its dedicated investor relations website and can provide a copy of the annual report on Form 10-K upon request to stockholders.
Chewy, Inc., a leading online destination for pet products, has released its Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report. The company's mission is to be the most trusted and convenient platform for pet parents and partners. The Board of Directors includes Raymond Svider as the Chairperson and Sumit Singh as the CEO, among other notable members from BC Partners LLP and various industries. Deloitte & Touche LLP serves as the independent registered public accounting firm, and Equiniti Trust Company, LLC is the transfer agent and registrar. Chewy's Class A common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'CHWY'. The company maintains active communication with its investors through its dedicated investor relations website and can provide a copy of the annual report on Form 10-K upon request to stockholders.
領先的寵物用品在線目的地Chewy, Inc. 發佈了其2023財年年度報告。該公司的使命是成爲寵物父母和伴侶最值得信賴和最便捷的平台。董事會包括雷蒙德·斯維德擔任董事長,蘇米特·辛格擔任首席執行官,以及來自BC Partners LLP和各個行業的其他知名成員。德勤會計師事務所是獨立的註冊會計師事務所,Equiniti Trust Company, LLC是過戶代理人和註冊商。Chewy的A類普通股在紐約證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲 “CHWY”。該公司通過其專門的投資者關係網站與投資者保持積極溝通,並可應要求向股東提供10-K表年度報告的副本。
領先的寵物用品在線目的地Chewy, Inc. 發佈了其2023財年年度報告。該公司的使命是成爲寵物父母和伴侶最值得信賴和最便捷的平台。董事會包括雷蒙德·斯維德擔任董事長,蘇米特·辛格擔任首席執行官,以及來自BC Partners LLP和各個行業的其他知名成員。德勤會計師事務所是獨立的註冊會計師事務所,Equiniti Trust Company, LLC是過戶代理人和註冊商。Chewy的A類普通股在紐約證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲 “CHWY”。該公司通過其專門的投資者關係網站與投資者保持積極溝通,並可應要求向股東提供10-K表年度報告的副本。


