
S-8 POS: S-8 POS

S-8 POS: S-8 POS

S-8 POS:員工福利計劃證券登記(修正)
美股SEC公告 ·  05/10 20:14
Nogin, Inc., a Delaware-based company, has filed a Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to its Form S-8 Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 10, 2024. This amendment pertains to the deregistration of unsold securities associated with the company's 2022 Incentive Award Plan. The original registration, filed on September 28, 2023, was for 4,442,943 shares of common stock. Following the company's emergence from bankruptcy on May 3, 2024, after the approval of its First Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on March 28, 2024, all offers and sales of securities under the Registration Statement have ceased. Consequently, Nogin, Inc. has undertaken to remove from registration all unsold securities, effectively terminating the offering. The company's CEO, President, and Director, Jonathan S. Huberman, signed the amendment, which was filed from New York, NY.
Nogin, Inc., a Delaware-based company, has filed a Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to its Form S-8 Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 10, 2024. This amendment pertains to the deregistration of unsold securities associated with the company's 2022 Incentive Award Plan. The original registration, filed on September 28, 2023, was for 4,442,943 shares of common stock. Following the company's emergence from bankruptcy on May 3, 2024, after the approval of its First Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on March 28, 2024, all offers and sales of securities under the Registration Statement have ceased. Consequently, Nogin, Inc. has undertaken to remove from registration all unsold securities, effectively terminating the offering. The company's CEO, President, and Director, Jonathan S. Huberman, signed the amendment, which was filed from New York, NY.
總部位於特拉華州的公司Nogin, Inc. 已於2024年5月10日向美國證券交易委員會提交了其S-8表格註冊聲明的生效後第1號修正案。該修正案涉及註銷與公司2022年激勵獎勵計劃相關的未售出證券。最初於2023年9月28日提交的註冊申請爲4,442,943股普通股。繼該公司於2024年5月3日擺脫破產後,在美國特拉華特區破產法院於2024年3月28日批准了其第一份經修訂的第11章聯合計劃後,註冊聲明下的所有證券要約和銷售均已停止。因此,Nogin, Inc.已承諾將所有未售出的證券從註冊中刪除,實際上終止了發行。該公司的首席執行官、總裁兼董事喬納森·胡伯曼簽署了該修正案,該修正案是在紐約州紐約提交的。
總部位於特拉華州的公司Nogin, Inc. 已於2024年5月10日向美國證券交易委員會提交了其S-8表格註冊聲明的生效後第1號修正案。該修正案涉及註銷與公司2022年激勵獎勵計劃相關的未售出證券。最初於2023年9月28日提交的註冊申請爲4,442,943股普通股。繼該公司於2024年5月3日擺脫破產後,在美國特拉華特區破產法院於2024年3月28日批准了其第一份經修訂的第11章聯合計劃後,註冊聲明下的所有證券要約和銷售均已停止。因此,Nogin, Inc.已承諾將所有未售出的證券從註冊中刪除,實際上終止了發行。該公司的首席執行官、總裁兼董事喬納森·胡伯曼簽署了該修正案,該修正案是在紐約州紐約提交的。


