
Visa | 8-K: Makewhole Agreement

Visa | 8-K: Makewhole Agreement

Visa | 8-K:補償協議
美股SEC公告 ·  05/08 20:48
Visa Inc. completed its Class B-1 exchange offer on May 8, 2024, as per the terms outlined in the prospectus dated April 8, 2024. The exchange offer was part of Visa's registration statement on Form S-4. Concurrently, Visa entered into makewhole agreements with the holders of the Class B-1 common stock accepted in the exchange offer and their parent guarantors, effective May 6, 2024. These agreements require the participating holders to reimburse Visa for certain future deposits into the U.S. covered litigation escrow account, which would have been their responsibility had they not participated in the exchange offer. Additionally, the agreements stipulate a staged transfer of the Class C common stock received by the holders in the exchange offer, with specific limitations on the transferable amount before June 20, 2024, and August 4, 2024. The details of the makewhole agreements are referenced in the Form of the Makewhole Agreement, filed as Exhibit 10.1.
Visa Inc. completed its Class B-1 exchange offer on May 8, 2024, as per the terms outlined in the prospectus dated April 8, 2024. The exchange offer was part of Visa's registration statement on Form S-4. Concurrently, Visa entered into makewhole agreements with the holders of the Class B-1 common stock accepted in the exchange offer and their parent guarantors, effective May 6, 2024. These agreements require the participating holders to reimburse Visa for certain future deposits into the U.S. covered litigation escrow account, which would have been their responsibility had they not participated in the exchange offer. Additionally, the agreements stipulate a staged transfer of the Class C common stock received by the holders in the exchange offer, with specific limitations on the transferable amount before June 20, 2024, and August 4, 2024. The details of the makewhole agreements are referenced in the Form of the Makewhole Agreement, filed as Exhibit 10.1.
根據2024年4月8日招股說明書中概述的條款,Visa Inc.於2024年5月8日完成了其B-1類交易所要約。交換要約是Visa在S-4表格上的註冊聲明的一部分。同時,Visa與交易所要約中接受的B-1類普通股的持有人及其母公司擔保人簽訂了改組協議,自2024年5月6日起生效。這些協議要求參與的持有人向Visa償還未來向美國承保的訴訟託管賬戶存入的某些存款,如果他們沒有參與交易所要約,這將是他們的責任。此外,協議規定分階段轉讓持有人在交換要約中獲得的C類普通股,對2024年6月20日和2024年8月4日之前的可轉讓金額有具體限制。作爲附錄10.1提交的改造協議的表格中提到了改造協議的細節。
根據2024年4月8日招股說明書中概述的條款,Visa Inc.於2024年5月8日完成了其B-1類交易所要約。交換要約是Visa在S-4表格上的註冊聲明的一部分。同時,Visa與交易所要約中接受的B-1類普通股的持有人及其母公司擔保人簽訂了改組協議,自2024年5月6日起生效。這些協議要求參與的持有人向Visa償還未來向美國承保的訴訟託管賬戶存入的某些存款,如果他們沒有參與交易所要約,這將是他們的責任。此外,協議規定分階段轉讓持有人在交換要約中獲得的C類普通股,對2024年6月20日和2024年8月4日之前的可轉讓金額有具體限制。作爲附錄10.1提交的改造協議的表格中提到了改造協議的細節。


