
424B2: Prospectus

424B2: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  05/04 04:47
Bank of America Corporation (BAC) has issued $60 million in Fixed Rate Callable Notes, due May 3, 2027, as detailed in a pricing supplement filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(2). The notes, which are senior unsecured debt securities, priced on May 1, 2024, and will mature on May 3, 2027, unless redeemed earlier. Interest on these notes is set at a fixed rate of 5.80% per annum, payable semi-annually starting November 3, 2024. BAC retains the right to redeem all notes on May 3, 2025, or any subsequent Call Date, at 100% of the principal amount plus any accrued interest. The notes, with CUSIP number 06055JEJ4, are issued in minimum denominations of $1,000 and are not listed on any securities exchange. The offering includes a public offering price of 100% of the principal amount, an underwriting...Show More
Bank of America Corporation (BAC) has issued $60 million in Fixed Rate Callable Notes, due May 3, 2027, as detailed in a pricing supplement filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(2). The notes, which are senior unsecured debt securities, priced on May 1, 2024, and will mature on May 3, 2027, unless redeemed earlier. Interest on these notes is set at a fixed rate of 5.80% per annum, payable semi-annually starting November 3, 2024. BAC retains the right to redeem all notes on May 3, 2025, or any subsequent Call Date, at 100% of the principal amount plus any accrued interest. The notes, with CUSIP number 06055JEJ4, are issued in minimum denominations of $1,000 and are not listed on any securities exchange. The offering includes a public offering price of 100% of the principal amount, an underwriting discount of 0.25%, resulting in proceeds to BAC of 99.75% of the principal before expenses. The notes are not FDIC insured, not bank guaranteed, and may lose value, indicating a degree of investment risk. The notes are not approved or disapproved by any regulatory body, and any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense. Delivery of the notes will be in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company on May 3, 2024, against payment in immediately available funds.
美國銀行公司(BAC)已發行6000萬美元的固定利率可贖回票據,將於2027年5月3日到期,詳情見根據第424(b)(2)條提交的定價補充文件。這些票據是優先無抵押債務證券,定價於2024年5月1日,除非提前兌換,否則將於2027年5月3日到期。這些票據的利息定爲每年5.80%的固定利率,從2024年11月3日起每半年支付一次。BAC保留在2025年5月3日或任何後續的收款日按本金的100%加上任何應計利息贖回所有票據的權利。這些票據的CUSIP編號爲 06055JEJ4,發行的最低面額爲1,000美元,未在任何證券交易所上市。此次發行包括本金100%的公開發行價格,0.25%的承保折扣,從而...展開全部
美國銀行公司(BAC)已發行6000萬美元的固定利率可贖回票據,將於2027年5月3日到期,詳情見根據第424(b)(2)條提交的定價補充文件。這些票據是優先無抵押債務證券,定價於2024年5月1日,除非提前兌換,否則將於2027年5月3日到期。這些票據的利息定爲每年5.80%的固定利率,從2024年11月3日起每半年支付一次。BAC保留在2025年5月3日或任何後續的收款日按本金的100%加上任何應計利息贖回所有票據的權利。這些票據的CUSIP編號爲 06055JEJ4,發行的最低面額爲1,000美元,未在任何證券交易所上市。此次發行包括本金100%的公開發行價格,0.25%的承保折扣,從而使BAC的收益佔支出前本金的99.75%。這些票據沒有聯邦存款保險公司保險,沒有銀行擔保,可能會貶值,這表明存在一定程度的投資風險。這些票據未經任何監管機構的批准或不批准,任何相反的陳述均屬刑事犯罪。票據將於2024年5月3日通過存託信託公司以賬面記賬形式交付,並以即時可用資金支付。


