
Advanced Micro Devices | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

Advanced Micro Devices | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

美國超微公司 | 10-Q:2024財年一季報
美股SEC公告 ·  05/02 04:17
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) reported a 2% increase in net revenue to $5.5 billion for the quarter ended March 30, 2024, compared to the same period last year. The growth was attributed to higher sales in the Data Center segment, driven by AMD Instinct GPUs and 4th Gen AMD EPYC CPUs, and in the Client segment, primarily due to Ryzen 8000 Series processor sales. However, this was partially offset by decreased revenues in the Gaming and Embedded segments. Gross margin improved to 47% from 44% year-over-year, thanks to higher revenue in the Data Center and Client segments and lower amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets. Operating income turned positive at $36 million, a significant improvement from the $145 million operating loss in the prior year. Net income also...Show More
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) reported a 2% increase in net revenue to $5.5 billion for the quarter ended March 30, 2024, compared to the same period last year. The growth was attributed to higher sales in the Data Center segment, driven by AMD Instinct GPUs and 4th Gen AMD EPYC CPUs, and in the Client segment, primarily due to Ryzen 8000 Series processor sales. However, this was partially offset by decreased revenues in the Gaming and Embedded segments. Gross margin improved to 47% from 44% year-over-year, thanks to higher revenue in the Data Center and Client segments and lower amortization of acquisition-related intangible assets. Operating income turned positive at $36 million, a significant improvement from the $145 million operating loss in the prior year. Net income also saw a turnaround, with $123 million compared to a net loss of $139 million in the previous year. Cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments rose to $6.0 billion, up from $5.8 billion at the end of the last fiscal year. AMD's business development was marked by increased sales of high-performance computing products and a focus on AI technology. Looking ahead, AMD expects international sales to remain a significant portion of total sales and plans to fund operations, capital expenditures, and debt payments through cash from operations, existing credit facilities, and potential access to capital markets.
美國超微公司(AMD)報告稱,截至2024年3月30日的財季淨營收爲55億美元,較同期去年增長2%。這一增長歸因於數據中心及客戶端業務的銷售增加,其中數據中心業務由AMD Instinct GPU和第四代AMD EPYC CPU驅動,客戶端業務的銷售增加主要是由於Ryzen 8000系列處理器的銷售。然而,這部分增長受到遊戲和嵌入式業務收入下降的部分抵消。毛利率由去年的44%提高到47%,得益於數據中心和客戶端業務的收入增長以及對收購相關無形資產的攤銷降低。運營利潤轉爲正數,爲3600萬美元,相較於去年的1.45億美元運營虧損有了顯著改善。淨收入也實現了扭虧爲盈,爲1.23億美元,而去年同期淨...展開全部
美國超微公司(AMD)報告稱,截至2024年3月30日的財季淨營收爲55億美元,較同期去年增長2%。這一增長歸因於數據中心及客戶端業務的銷售增加,其中數據中心業務由AMD Instinct GPU和第四代AMD EPYC CPU驅動,客戶端業務的銷售增加主要是由於Ryzen 8000系列處理器的銷售。然而,這部分增長受到遊戲和嵌入式業務收入下降的部分抵消。毛利率由去年的44%提高到47%,得益於數據中心和客戶端業務的收入增長以及對收購相關無形資產的攤銷降低。運營利潤轉爲正數,爲3600萬美元,相較於去年的1.45億美元運營虧損有了顯著改善。淨收入也實現了扭虧爲盈,爲1.23億美元,而去年同期淨虧損爲1.39億美元。現金、現金等價物和短期投資增至60億美元,較上一財年末的58億美元有所增加。AMD業務發展的重點是增加高性能計算產品的銷售和專注於人工智能技術。展望未來,AMD預計國際銷售將仍然是總銷售額的重要組成部分,並計劃通過來自經營活動現金流、現有信貸設施以及潛在的資本市場資本支持運營、資本支出、債務償還。


