


HKEX ·  Apr 26 22:26
Summary by Futu AI
Hope Education (Shijiao International Holdings Limited) announced on 26 April 2024 that Mr. Wong Chung-chui has resigned his position as Executive Director, Member of the Strategy and Development Committee and Joint Company Secretary. Mr. Wong confirms that there is no disagreement with the Board of Directors and that there is no need to disclose his resignation specifically to shareholders or HKEX Limited. The Board of Directors is grateful to Mr. Wong for his contribution to the role. MS. CHAN YANHUA WILL CONTINUE AS COMPANY SECRETARY AND THE COMPANY WILL APPOINT A NEW JOINT COMPANY SECRETARY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. On the same day, Ms. LOU Kun-wei was appointed as the new Executive Director and a member of the Strategy and Development Committee. Ms. Lou has extensive experience in the education industry and holds a 0.06% stake in the company, but does not receive additional remuneration for her role as an Executive Director. The Board of Directors welcomes Ms. Lou's participation.
Hope Education (Shijiao International Holdings Limited) announced on 26 April 2024 that Mr. Wong Chung-chui has resigned his position as Executive Director, Member of the Strategy and Development Committee and Joint Company Secretary. Mr. Wong confirms that there is no disagreement with the Board of Directors and that there is no need to disclose his resignation specifically to shareholders or HKEX Limited. The Board of Directors is grateful to Mr. Wong for his contribution to the role. MS. CHAN YANHUA WILL CONTINUE AS COMPANY SECRETARY AND THE COMPANY WILL APPOINT A NEW JOINT COMPANY SECRETARY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. On the same day, Ms. LOU Kun-wei was appointed as the new Executive Director and a member of the Strategy and Development Committee. Ms. Lou has extensive experience in the education industry and holds a 0.06% stake in the company, but does not receive additional remuneration for her role as an Executive Director. The Board of Directors welcomes Ms. Lou's participation.

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