
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

美股SEC公告 ·  04/25 04:36
ESGL Holdings Limited, a foreign private issuer, has been notified by The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC of non-compliance with certain listing rules. The company's share price was below the minimum bid price of $1.00 for 30 consecutive business days, and its Market Value of Publicly Held Shares was under the required $5 million for the same duration. Despite being given a 180-day compliance period until April 22, 2024, ESGL Holdings failed to meet the criteria. Before the deadline, the company applied to transfer its securities to the Nasdaq Capital Market and paid the associated fee, with the intention to remedy the deficiencies, potentially through a reverse stock split. While ESGL Holdings believes it meets the Capital Market's listing requirements except for the bid price, there is no guarantee that Nasdaq will approve the transfer. The company's securities will remain trading on Nasdaq until a decision is made regarding the transfer application. The report was signed by Chief Financial Officer Ho Shian Ching.
ESGL Holdings Limited, a foreign private issuer, has been notified by The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC of non-compliance with certain listing rules. The company's share price was below the minimum bid price of $1.00 for 30 consecutive business days, and its Market Value of Publicly Held Shares was under the required $5 million for the same duration. Despite being given a 180-day compliance period until April 22, 2024, ESGL Holdings failed to meet the criteria. Before the deadline, the company applied to transfer its securities to the Nasdaq Capital Market and paid the associated fee, with the intention to remedy the deficiencies, potentially through a reverse stock split. While ESGL Holdings believes it meets the Capital Market's listing requirements except for the bid price, there is no guarantee that Nasdaq will approve the transfer. The company's securities will remain trading on Nasdaq until a decision is made regarding the transfer application. The report was signed by Chief Financial Officer Ho Shian Ching.
納斯達克股票市場有限責任公司已通知外國私人發行人ESGL Holdings Limited不遵守某些上市規則。該公司的股價連續30個工作日低於1.00美元的最低出價,同期其公開持股的市值低於所需的500萬美元。儘管ESGL Holdings在2024年4月22日之前有180天的合規期,但仍未能達到標準。在截止日期之前,該公司申請將其證券轉移到納斯達克資本市場並支付了相關費用,目的是通過反向股票拆分來彌補缺陷。儘管ESGL Holdings認爲除出價外,它符合資本市場的上市要求,但無法保證納斯達克會批准此次轉讓。在就轉讓申請做出決定之前,該公司的證券將繼續在納斯達克交易。該報告由首席財務官何先清簽署。
納斯達克股票市場有限責任公司已通知外國私人發行人ESGL Holdings Limited不遵守某些上市規則。該公司的股價連續30個工作日低於1.00美元的最低出價,同期其公開持股的市值低於所需的500萬美元。儘管ESGL Holdings在2024年4月22日之前有180天的合規期,但仍未能達到標準。在截止日期之前,該公司申請將其證券轉移到納斯達克資本市場並支付了相關費用,目的是通過反向股票拆分來彌補缺陷。儘管ESGL Holdings認爲除出價外,它符合資本市場的上市要求,但無法保證納斯達克會批准此次轉讓。在就轉讓申請做出決定之前,該公司的證券將繼續在納斯達克交易。該報告由首席財務官何先清簽署。


