
Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B2:募資說明書
SEC announcement ·  04/16 02:29
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has announced the issuance of unsecured debt securities known as Dual Directional Trigger PLUS based on the S&P 500 Index, with an expected pricing date of April 30, 2024, and a maturity date of June 4, 2025. These securities do not pay interest and offer a payment at maturity that varies based on the performance of the S&P 500 Index. The securities provide leveraged exposure to the index's potential appreciation, subject to a maximum upside return, and offer a positive return if the index depreciates within a limited range. However, if the index depreciates by more than 10%, investors will lose a corresponding percentage of their principal. The securities are principal at risk, meaning...Show More
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has announced the issuance of unsecured debt securities known as Dual Directional Trigger PLUS based on the S&P 500 Index, with an expected pricing date of April 30, 2024, and a maturity date of June 4, 2025. These securities do not pay interest and offer a payment at maturity that varies based on the performance of the S&P 500 Index. The securities provide leveraged exposure to the index's potential appreciation, subject to a maximum upside return, and offer a positive return if the index depreciates within a limited range. However, if the index depreciates by more than 10%, investors will lose a corresponding percentage of their principal. The securities are principal at risk, meaning investors may lose their entire investment if the index performs poorly. The offering is guaranteed by Citigroup Inc. and is not insured or guaranteed by any governmental agency. The securities will not be listed on any securities exchange, and all payments are subject to the credit risk of the issuer and guarantor. The estimated value of the securities is based on proprietary pricing models and includes costs such as underwriting fees and hedging costs.
花旗集團的子公司花旗集團環球市場控股公司宣佈根據標準普爾500指數發行名爲Dual Direction Trigger PLUS的無抵押債務證券,預計定價日期爲2024年4月30日,到期日爲2025年6月4日。這些證券不支付利息,並在到期時支付的款項因標準普爾500指數的表現而異。這些證券爲指數的潛在升值提供槓桿敞口,但要有最大的上行回報,如果指數在有限的範圍內貶值,則提供正回報。但是,如果該指數貶值超過10%,投資者將損失相應百分比的本金。這些證券存在本金風險,這意味着如果指數表現不佳,投資者可能會損失全部投資。該產品由花旗集團提供擔保,沒有任何政府機構提供保險或擔保。這些證券不會在任何證券交易所上市,所有付款均受發行人和擔保人的信用風險的約束。證券的估計價值基於專有定價模型,包括承保費和套期保值成本等成本。
花旗集團的子公司花旗集團環球市場控股公司宣佈根據標準普爾500指數發行名爲Dual Direction Trigger PLUS的無抵押債務證券,預計定價日期爲2024年4月30日,到期日爲2025年6月4日。這些證券不支付利息,並在到期時支付的款項因標準普爾500指數的表現而異。這些證券爲指數的潛在升值提供槓桿敞口,但要有最大的上行回報,如果指數在有限的範圍內貶值,則提供正回報。但是,如果該指數貶值超過10%,投資者將損失相應百分比的本金。這些證券存在本金風險,這意味着如果指數表現不佳,投資者可能會損失全部投資。該產品由花旗集團提供擔保,沒有任何政府機構提供保險或擔保。這些證券不會在任何證券交易所上市,所有付款均受發行人和擔保人的信用風險的約束。證券的估計價值基於專有定價模型,包括承保費和套期保值成本等成本。


