
Novo Integrated Sciences | 8-K: Current report

Novo Integrated Sciences | 8-K: Current report

Novo Integrated Sciences | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  04/11 05:03
On April 4, 2024, Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc. reported the issuance of an aggregate of 826,203 shares of common stock to Mast Hill and 480,000 shares to FirstFire. This was in connection with the conversion of note principal and interest amounts totaling $271,226 and $104,712 for Mast Hill, and $195,016 and $8,333 for FirstFire, respectively. The company stated that the issuance is exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, citing the private placement nature of the transaction, the accredited investor status of the recipients, and the investment intent behind the securities acquisition. Novo Integrated Sciences confirmed the report was signed by Robert Mattacchione on April 10, 2024.
On April 4, 2024, Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc. reported the issuance of an aggregate of 826,203 shares of common stock to Mast Hill and 480,000 shares to FirstFire. This was in connection with the conversion of note principal and interest amounts totaling $271,226 and $104,712 for Mast Hill, and $195,016 and $8,333 for FirstFire, respectively. The company stated that the issuance is exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, citing the private placement nature of the transaction, the accredited investor status of the recipients, and the investment intent behind the securities acquisition. Novo Integrated Sciences confirmed the report was signed by Robert Mattacchione on April 10, 2024.
2024年4月4日,Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc.報告稱,向馬斯特希爾共發行了826,203股普通股,向FirstFire發行了48萬股普通股。這與Mast Hill總額爲271,226美元和104,712美元的票據本金和利息金額以及FirstFire的總額分別爲195,016美元和8,333美元的票據本金和利息金額的轉換有關。該公司表示,根據1933年《證券法》,此次發行免於註冊,理由是該交易的私募性質、收款人的合格投資者身份以及證券收購背後的投資意圖。Novo Integrated Sciences證實該報告由羅伯特·馬塔基奧內於2024年4月10日簽署。
2024年4月4日,Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc.報告稱,向馬斯特希爾共發行了826,203股普通股,向FirstFire發行了48萬股普通股。這與Mast Hill總額爲271,226美元和104,712美元的票據本金和利息金額以及FirstFire的總額分別爲195,016美元和8,333美元的票據本金和利息金額的轉換有關。該公司表示,根據1933年《證券法》,此次發行免於註冊,理由是該交易的私募性質、收款人的合格投資者身份以及證券收購背後的投資意圖。Novo Integrated Sciences證實該報告由羅伯特·馬塔基奧內於2024年4月10日簽署。


