
Clene | PRE 14A: Preliminary proxy statements relating to merger or acquisition

Clene | PRE 14A: Preliminary proxy statements relating to merger or acquisition

Clene | PRE 14A:並購重組委托聲明
美股SEC公告 ·  04/06 04:15
Clene Inc. announced the filing of a PRE 14A form with the SEC, scheduling its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders for May 29, 2024. The meeting will be virtual, conducted via a live audio webcast. Stockholders are invited to attend, submit questions, and vote online. The meeting will address the election of three directors, the ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent accounting firm for fiscal year 2024, advisory votes on executive compensation, and other proposals including an amendment to increase authorized shares of common stock to 600,000,000 and a reverse stock split at a ratio between 1-for-5 and 1-for-20. The Board has selected April 1, 2024, as the record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote. Proxy materials will be furnished online, with instructions provided for requesting printed copies. The meeting will also allow for the adjournment if necessary to solicit further votes. The Board recommends voting for all proposals.
Clene Inc. announced the filing of a PRE 14A form with the SEC, scheduling its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders for May 29, 2024. The meeting will be virtual, conducted via a live audio webcast. Stockholders are invited to attend, submit questions, and vote online. The meeting will address the election of three directors, the ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent accounting firm for fiscal year 2024, advisory votes on executive compensation, and other proposals including an amendment to increase authorized shares of common stock to 600,000,000 and a reverse stock split at a ratio between 1-for-5 and 1-for-20. The Board has selected April 1, 2024, as the record date for determining stockholders entitled to vote. Proxy materials will be furnished online, with instructions provided for requesting printed copies. The meeting will also allow for the adjournment if necessary to solicit further votes. The Board recommends voting for all proposals.
克萊恩公司宣佈向美國證券交易委員會提交PRE 14A表格,計劃於2024年5月29日舉行其2024年年度股東大會。會議將是虛擬的,通過網絡直播進行的。邀請股東參加、提交問題和在線投票。會議將討論三名董事的選舉、批准德勤會計師事務所作爲2024財年獨立會計師事務所、關於高管薪酬的諮詢投票,以及其他提案,包括將普通股授權股份增加到600,000,000股的修正案以及以1比5和1比20的比例進行反向股票分割。董事會已選擇2024年4月1日作爲確定有權投票的股東的記錄日期。代理材料將在線提供,並附有索取印刷副本的說明。如有必要,會議還將允許休會,以爭取更多投票。董事會建議對所有提案進行投票。
克萊恩公司宣佈向美國證券交易委員會提交PRE 14A表格,計劃於2024年5月29日舉行其2024年年度股東大會。會議將是虛擬的,通過網絡直播進行的。邀請股東參加、提交問題和在線投票。會議將討論三名董事的選舉、批准德勤會計師事務所作爲2024財年獨立會計師事務所、關於高管薪酬的諮詢投票,以及其他提案,包括將普通股授權股份增加到600,000,000股的修正案以及以1比5和1比20的比例進行反向股票分割。董事會已選擇2024年4月1日作爲確定有權投票的股東的記錄日期。代理材料將在線提供,並附有索取印刷副本的說明。如有必要,會議還將允許休會,以爭取更多投票。董事會建議對所有提案進行投票。


