
Berkshire Hathaway-B | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

Berkshire Hathaway-B | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

伯克希爾-B | PX14A6G:豁免招標通知
SEC announcement ·  04/06 00:51
Michael Frerichs, as Trustee of the Bright Start College Savings Trust, has filed a notice urging Berkshire Hathaway Inc. shareholders to vote for enhanced disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and decarbonization efforts by Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE). The proposal, Item #3 on the company's 2024 proxy, calls for the Board of Directors to report annually on BHE's GHG emissions by scope and progress towards net-zero goals. The proponents argue that current disclosures are insufficient and misaligned with industry standards and forthcoming regulatory requirements. They emphasize the financial and regulatory risks posed by GHG emissions to the company and the importance of transparent reporting for assessing these risks. BHE, a significant contributor to Berkshire Hathaway's direct emissions, is...Show More
Michael Frerichs, as Trustee of the Bright Start College Savings Trust, has filed a notice urging Berkshire Hathaway Inc. shareholders to vote for enhanced disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and decarbonization efforts by Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE). The proposal, Item #3 on the company's 2024 proxy, calls for the Board of Directors to report annually on BHE's GHG emissions by scope and progress towards net-zero goals. The proponents argue that current disclosures are insufficient and misaligned with industry standards and forthcoming regulatory requirements. They emphasize the financial and regulatory risks posed by GHG emissions to the company and the importance of transparent reporting for assessing these risks. BHE, a significant contributor to Berkshire Hathaway's direct emissions, is highlighted as lagging behind peers in emission reporting. The proposal aligns with the GHG Protocol methodology and anticipates compliance with new rules from the SEC and other regulatory bodies. The notice, dated April 4, 2024, also addresses BHE's decarbonization plans and the need for standardized reporting to inform shareholders and ensure the company's long-term success.
邁克爾·弗雷裏希斯作爲Bright Start大學儲蓄信託基金的受託人,已提交通知,敦促伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司的股東投票支持伯克希爾·哈撒韋能源(BHE)加強對溫室氣體(GHG)排放和脫碳工作的披露。該提案是關於公司 2024 年代理的第 #3 項,要求董事會每年報告 BHE 按範圍分列的溫室氣體排放量和實現淨零目標的進展情況。支持者認爲,目前的披露不夠充分,不符合行業標準和即將出臺的監管要求。他們強調溫室氣體排放對公司構成的財務和監管風險,以及透明報告對評估這些風險的重要性。BHE是伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司直接排放的重要貢獻者,被認爲在排放報告方面落後於同行。該提案符合溫室氣體協議的方法,預計將遵守美國證券交易委員會和其他監管機構的新規定。該通知日期爲2024年4月4日,還涉及BHE的脫碳計劃以及標準化報告的必要性,以告知股東並確保公司的長期成功。
邁克爾·弗雷裏希斯作爲Bright Start大學儲蓄信託基金的受託人,已提交通知,敦促伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司的股東投票支持伯克希爾·哈撒韋能源(BHE)加強對溫室氣體(GHG)排放和脫碳工作的披露。該提案是關於公司 2024 年代理的第 #3 項,要求董事會每年報告 BHE 按範圍分列的溫室氣體排放量和實現淨零目標的進展情況。支持者認爲,目前的披露不夠充分,不符合行業標準和即將出臺的監管要求。他們強調溫室氣體排放對公司構成的財務和監管風險,以及透明報告對評估這些風險的重要性。BHE是伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司直接排放的重要貢獻者,被認爲在排放報告方面落後於同行。該提案符合溫室氣體協議的方法,預計將遵守美國證券交易委員會和其他監管機構的新規定。該通知日期爲2024年4月4日,還涉及BHE的脫碳計劃以及標準化報告的必要性,以告知股東並確保公司的長期成功。


