
Berkshire Hathaway-B | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

Berkshire Hathaway-B | PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

伯克希爾-B | PX14A6G:豁免招標通知
SEC announcement ·  04/05 18:12
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is facing a shareholder proposal urging a 'Yes' vote on a resolution for the company to report on its plans to measure, disclose, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal. The proposal, submitted by As You Sow, highlights the financial and environmental risks posed by climate change, citing a record $108 billion in insured natural catastrophe losses in 2023 and predicting a doubling of such losses within the next decade. Despite these risks and two years of significant shareholder support for climate action, Berkshire Hathaway has not disclosed Scope 3 emissions nor set reduction targets, lagging behind industry peers who are adopting net zero emissions goals and increasing transparency. The annual meeting is set for May 4, 2024, where investors will vote on the resolution. As You Sow emphasizes the importance of this vote, pointing out Berkshire Hathaway's substantial investments in fossil fuels and the lack of a clear plan to address climate-related risks in its insurance and investment activities.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is facing a shareholder proposal urging a 'Yes' vote on a resolution for the company to report on its plans to measure, disclose, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal. The proposal, submitted by As You Sow, highlights the financial and environmental risks posed by climate change, citing a record $108 billion in insured natural catastrophe losses in 2023 and predicting a doubling of such losses within the next decade. Despite these risks and two years of significant shareholder support for climate action, Berkshire Hathaway has not disclosed Scope 3 emissions nor set reduction targets, lagging behind industry peers who are adopting net zero emissions goals and increasing transparency. The annual meeting is set for May 4, 2024, where investors will vote on the resolution. As You Sow emphasizes the importance of this vote, pointing out Berkshire Hathaway's substantial investments in fossil fuels and the lack of a clear plan to address climate-related risks in its insurance and investment activities.
伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司正面臨一項股東提案,該提案敦促對一項決議投贊成票,該決議要求該公司報告其按照《巴黎協定》的1.5°C目標測量、披露和減少溫室氣體(GHG)排放的計劃。該提案由As You Sow提交,重點介紹了氣候變化構成的財務和環境風險,列舉了2023年創紀錄的1080億美元自然災害保險損失,並預測未來十年此類損失將翻一番。儘管存在這些風險,而且股東兩年來一直大力支持氣候行動,但伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司尚未披露範圍3的排放,也沒有設定減排目標,落後於採用淨零排放目標和提高透明度的業內同行。年會定於2024年5月4日舉行,投資者將在會上對該決議進行投票。As You Sow強調了本次投票的重要性,他指出伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司在化石燃料方面進行了大量投資,而且其保險和投資活動中缺乏應對氣候相關風險的明確計劃。
伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司正面臨一項股東提案,該提案敦促對一項決議投贊成票,該決議要求該公司報告其按照《巴黎協定》的1.5°C目標測量、披露和減少溫室氣體(GHG)排放的計劃。該提案由As You Sow提交,重點介紹了氣候變化構成的財務和環境風險,列舉了2023年創紀錄的1080億美元自然災害保險損失,並預測未來十年此類損失將翻一番。儘管存在這些風險,而且股東兩年來一直大力支持氣候行動,但伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司尚未披露範圍3的排放,也沒有設定減排目標,落後於採用淨零排放目標和提高透明度的業內同行。年會定於2024年5月4日舉行,投資者將在會上對該決議進行投票。As You Sow強調了本次投票的重要性,他指出伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司在化石燃料方面進行了大量投資,而且其保險和投資活動中缺乏應對氣候相關風險的明確計劃。


