
Cuentas | NT 10-K: Others

Cuentas | NT 10-K:其他

美股sec公告 ·  04/02 04:42
Cuentas, Inc. has filed a notification of late filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, indicating that it will delay the submission of its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company cited a delay in obtaining and compiling the necessary information required for the report, which could not be resolved without unreasonable effort and expense. Cuentas has stated that it expects to file the report no later than fifteen calendar days past the prescribed due date. Additionally, the company anticipates a significant change in its results of operations, with an expected operating loss of approximately $1,943,000 for 2023, a substantial decrease from the $14,531,000 loss reported in 2022. This change is primarily attributed to a decrease in operating expenses, share-based compensation, and impairment of intangible assets.
Cuentas, Inc. has filed a notification of late filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, indicating that it will delay the submission of its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company cited a delay in obtaining and compiling the necessary information required for the report, which could not be resolved without unreasonable effort and expense. Cuentas has stated that it expects to file the report no later than fifteen calendar days past the prescribed due date. Additionally, the company anticipates a significant change in its results of operations, with an expected operating loss of approximately $1,943,000 for 2023, a substantial decrease from the $14,531,000 loss reported in 2022. This change is primarily attributed to a decrease in operating expenses, share-based compensation, and impairment of intangible assets.
Cuentas, Inc.已向美國證券交易委員會提交了延遲申報的通知,表示將推遲提交截至2023年12月31日止年度的10-K表年度報告。該公司指出,延遲獲取和彙編報告所需的必要信息,如果不付出不合理的努力和費用,這個問題就無法得到解決。Cuentas表示,它預計將在規定的截止日期後的十五個日曆日內提交報告。此外,該公司預計其經營業績將發生重大變化,預計2023年的營業虧損約爲1,943,000美元,較2022年公佈的14,531,000美元虧損大幅下降。這一變化主要歸因於運營支出的減少、基於股份的薪酬和無形資產的減值。
Cuentas, Inc.已向美國證券交易委員會提交了延遲申報的通知,表示將推遲提交截至2023年12月31日止年度的10-K表年度報告。該公司指出,延遲獲取和彙編報告所需的必要信息,如果不付出不合理的努力和費用,這個問題就無法得到解決。Cuentas表示,它預計將在規定的截止日期後的十五個日曆日內提交報告。此外,該公司預計其經營業績將發生重大變化,預計2023年的營業虧損約爲1,943,000美元,較2022年公佈的14,531,000美元虧損大幅下降。這一變化主要歸因於運營支出的減少、基於股份的薪酬和無形資產的減值。


