
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras Clarifies Pieces of News in the Media

Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras Clarifies Pieces of News in the Media

巴西石油公司 | 6-K: 巴西國家石油公司澄清媒體新聞
SEC announcement ·  03/19 04:28
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras (Petrobras) has publicly addressed inaccuracies in a news article published by Valor Econômico, which suggested that the company had indicated the possibility of paying extraordinary dividends. In a clarification issued on March 15, 2024, Petrobras stated that at no point did it promise or signal any direction towards the payment of extraordinary dividends during an event with analysts and investors held on January 30 and 31, 2024. The company emphasized that the presentation material, which is available on its investor website and has been filed with the CVM and the SEC, merely outlined the dividend process based on public information and did not suggest any future payments. Petrobras highlighted that dividend decisions are made following a standard framework that considers...Show More
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras (Petrobras) has publicly addressed inaccuracies in a news article published by Valor Econômico, which suggested that the company had indicated the possibility of paying extraordinary dividends. In a clarification issued on March 15, 2024, Petrobras stated that at no point did it promise or signal any direction towards the payment of extraordinary dividends during an event with analysts and investors held on January 30 and 31, 2024. The company emphasized that the presentation material, which is available on its investor website and has been filed with the CVM and the SEC, merely outlined the dividend process based on public information and did not suggest any future payments. Petrobras highlighted that dividend decisions are made following a standard framework that considers various factors, including financial results and market prospects, and that maintaining this process does not imply a commitment to future dividend payments. The company also noted that analysts' reports predicting extraordinary dividends have been circulating since October 2023, based on their own assessments, over which Petrobras has no control. The company reiterated its commitment to transparency and compliance with governance practices, stating that it does not disclose material non-public information during meetings with analysts and investors.
巴西石油公司巴西石油公司(Petrobras)在Valor Econômico發表的一篇新聞報道中公開談到了不準確之處,該報道暗示該公司已表示可能支付特別股息。在2024年3月15日發佈的澄清中,巴西石油公司表示,在2024年1月30日和31日與分析師和投資者舉行的活動中,它從未承諾或發出任何支付特別股息的信號。該公司強調,該陳述材料可在其投資者網站上查閱,並已向CVM和美國證券交易委員會提交,僅根據公開信息概述了股息流程,沒有建議未來的付款。巴西石油公司強調,股息決策是根據標準框架做出的,該框架考慮了包括財務業績和市場前景在內的各種因素,維持這一過程並不意味着對未來股息支付的承諾。該公司還指出,分析師根據自己的評估,預測特別股息的報告自2023年10月以來一直在流傳,而巴西石油公司對此無法控制。該公司重申了對透明度和遵守治理慣例的承諾,並表示在與分析師和投資者會晤期間不會披露重要的非公開信息。
巴西石油公司巴西石油公司(Petrobras)在Valor Econômico發表的一篇新聞報道中公開談到了不準確之處,該報道暗示該公司已表示可能支付特別股息。在2024年3月15日發佈的澄清中,巴西石油公司表示,在2024年1月30日和31日與分析師和投資者舉行的活動中,它從未承諾或發出任何支付特別股息的信號。該公司強調,該陳述材料可在其投資者網站上查閱,並已向CVM和美國證券交易委員會提交,僅根據公開信息概述了股息流程,沒有建議未來的付款。巴西石油公司強調,股息決策是根據標準框架做出的,該框架考慮了包括財務業績和市場前景在內的各種因素,維持這一過程並不意味着對未來股息支付的承諾。該公司還指出,分析師根據自己的評估,預測特別股息的報告自2023年10月以來一直在流傳,而巴西石油公司對此無法控制。該公司重申了對透明度和遵守治理慣例的承諾,並表示在與分析師和投資者會晤期間不會披露重要的非公開信息。


