


HKEX ·  Mar 18 16:30
Summary by Futu AI
Yuwen Group (stock code: 772) announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2023 with revenues of RMB7,011,785 thousand, a decrease of 8.0% year-on-year; gross profit of RMB3,371,463 thousand, a decrease of 16.3%. Despite the decline in revenue and gross profit, operating profit and profit for the year rose 12.8% and 32.2%, respectively, to RMB709,309 thousand and RMB803,547 thousand. The company's equity holders also recorded a 32.3% increase in profit to RMB804,879 thousand. In terms of IP creation, the Reading Group's online reading platform added approximately 38 million authors and 67 million novels in 2023, with a total of more than 390 million characters. In terms of IP visualization, the company promotes the presentation of a range of high-quality works, including many adaptations of animations and broadcasts of television series...Show More
Yuwen Group (stock code: 772) announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2023 with revenues of RMB7,011,785 thousand, a decrease of 8.0% year-on-year; gross profit of RMB3,371,463 thousand, a decrease of 16.3%. Despite the decline in revenue and gross profit, operating profit and profit for the year rose 12.8% and 32.2%, respectively, to RMB709,309 thousand and RMB803,547 thousand. The company's equity holders also recorded a 32.3% increase in profit to RMB804,879 thousand. In terms of IP creation, the Reading Group's online reading platform added approximately 38 million authors and 67 million novels in 2023, with a total of more than 390 million characters. In terms of IP visualization, the company promotes the presentation of a range of high-quality works, including many adaptations of animations and broadcasts of television series. In terms of IP commercialization and transformation, the company launched a variety of IP gaming and peripherals, and made progress in the field of gaming. In the future, the company plans to accelerate the process of text IP visualization in combination with AI technology. For the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company did not distribute any dividends.

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