
Verb Technology | 8-K: Verb Technology Announces Its Latest Technology Integration with Meta

Verb Technology | 8-K: Verb Technology Announces Its Latest Technology Integration with Meta

Verb Technology | 8-K:Verb Technology宣佈其與META的最新技術集成成果
SEC announcement ·  03/15 20:35
On March 15, 2024, Verb Technology Company, Inc. (Verb Technology), a leader in interactive video-based sales applications, announced a significant technological integration with META. This integration introduces a native, friction-free checkout process within the Facebook and Instagram apps, allowing users to purchase products from vendors directly through shoppable videos on these platforms. The integration is expected to considerably expand's addressable audience by enabling shopping without leaving the social media apps. Verb Technology's CEO, Rory J. Cutaia, emphasized the enhancement this brings to the shopping experience across social platforms and the value it adds for brands, retailers, creators, affiliates, and influencers. The company, which is headquartered in Las Vegas, NV, operates creator studios in Los Alamitos, California, and Philadelphia, PA, and is at the forefront of merging ecommerce with entertainment on its platform.
On March 15, 2024, Verb Technology Company, Inc. (Verb Technology), a leader in interactive video-based sales applications, announced a significant technological integration with META. This integration introduces a native, friction-free checkout process within the Facebook and Instagram apps, allowing users to purchase products from vendors directly through shoppable videos on these platforms. The integration is expected to considerably expand's addressable audience by enabling shopping without leaving the social media apps. Verb Technology's CEO, Rory J. Cutaia, emphasized the enhancement this brings to the shopping experience across social platforms and the value it adds for brands, retailers, creators, affiliates, and influencers. The company, which is headquartered in Las Vegas, NV, operates creator studios in Los Alamitos, California, and Philadelphia, PA, and is at the forefront of merging ecommerce with entertainment on its platform.
2024年3月15日,基於交互式視頻的銷售應用領域的領導者Verb科技公司(Verb Technology)宣佈與META進行重大技術整合。這種集成在Facebook和Instagram應用程序中引入了原生、無摩擦的結賬流程,允許用戶通過這些平台上的可購物視頻直接從Market.Live供應商那裏購買產品。此次整合有望在不離開社交媒體應用程序的情況下實現購物,從而極大地擴大Market.live的潛在受衆。Verb Technology的首席執行官羅裏·庫塔亞強調了這爲社交平台上的購物體驗帶來的增強,以及它爲品牌、零售商、創作者、關聯公司和影響者帶來的價值。該公司總部位於內華達州拉斯維加斯,在加利福尼亞州洛斯阿拉米託斯和賓夕法尼亞州費城經營創作工作室,並在其Market.live平台上處於將電子商務與娛樂融合的最前沿。
2024年3月15日,基於交互式視頻的銷售應用領域的領導者Verb科技公司(Verb Technology)宣佈與META進行重大技術整合。這種集成在Facebook和Instagram應用程序中引入了原生、無摩擦的結賬流程,允許用戶通過這些平台上的可購物視頻直接從Market.Live供應商那裏購買產品。此次整合有望在不離開社交媒體應用程序的情況下實現購物,從而極大地擴大Market.live的潛在受衆。Verb Technology的首席執行官羅裏·庫塔亞強調了這爲社交平台上的購物體驗帶來的增強,以及它爲品牌、零售商、創作者、關聯公司和影響者帶來的價值。該公司總部位於內華達州拉斯維加斯,在加利福尼亞州洛斯阿拉米託斯和賓夕法尼亞州費城經營創作工作室,並在其Market.live平台上處於將電子商務與娛樂融合的最前沿。


