
Signing Day Sports | UPLOAD: Others

Signing Day Sports | UPLOAD: Others

Signing Day Sports | UPLOAD:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  02/01 05:19
Signing Day Sports, Inc., a company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has been informed by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that its registration statement on Form S-1, filed on January 26, 2024, will not undergo review. The SEC's communication, dated January 31, 2024, was addressed to Daniel D. Nelson, the Chief Executive Officer of Signing Day Sports. The SEC's letter also referenced Rules 460 and 461, which pertain to requests for acceleration of the registration process. Additionally, the SEC reminded the company and its management of their responsibility to ensure the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, regardless of the SEC's level of review or lack thereof. The SEC provided contact information for further inquiries, directing questions to staff members Charli Wilson and Mitchell Austin.
Signing Day Sports, Inc., a company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has been informed by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that its registration statement on Form S-1, filed on January 26, 2024, will not undergo review. The SEC's communication, dated January 31, 2024, was addressed to Daniel D. Nelson, the Chief Executive Officer of Signing Day Sports. The SEC's letter also referenced Rules 460 and 461, which pertain to requests for acceleration of the registration process. Additionally, the SEC reminded the company and its management of their responsibility to ensure the accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, regardless of the SEC's level of review or lack thereof. The SEC provided contact information for further inquiries, directing questions to staff members Charli Wilson and Mitchell Austin.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已告知總部位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的公司Signing Day Sports, Inc.,其於2024年1月26日提交的S-1表格註冊聲明將不接受審查。美國證券交易委員會於2024年1月31日發給了Signing Day Sports首席執行官丹尼爾·納爾遜的來文。美國證券交易委員會的信中還提到了與加快註冊程序的請求有關的第460和461條。此外,美國證券交易委員會提醒該公司及其管理層,無論美國證券交易委員會的審查水平如何,他們都有責任確保披露的準確性和充分性。美國證券交易委員會提供了進一步調查的聯繫信息,將問題直接交給了工作人員查理·威爾遜和米切爾·奧斯汀。
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已告知總部位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的公司Signing Day Sports, Inc.,其於2024年1月26日提交的S-1表格註冊聲明將不接受審查。美國證券交易委員會於2024年1月31日發給了Signing Day Sports首席執行官丹尼爾·納爾遜的來文。美國證券交易委員會的信中還提到了與加快註冊程序的請求有關的第460和461條。此外,美國證券交易委員會提醒該公司及其管理層,無論美國證券交易委員會的審查水平如何,他們都有責任確保披露的準確性和充分性。美國證券交易委員會提供了進一步調查的聯繫信息,將問題直接交給了工作人員查理·威爾遜和米切爾·奧斯汀。


