
Verb Technology | QUALIF: Others

Verb Technology | QUALIF: Others

Verb Technology | QUALIF:其他
SEC announcement ·  03/11 18:07
Verb Technology Company, Inc. has successfully achieved qualification from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as of March 11, 2024, at 4:30 P.M. The qualification was granted following the submission of Form 1-A, which is a regulatory filing required for companies seeking to offer securities under Regulation A. The company's CIK (Central Index Key) number is 0001566610, and the SEC file number for this qualification is 024-12400. This milestone allows Verb Technology to proceed with its plans to offer securities to the public under the specified regulations.
Verb Technology Company, Inc. has successfully achieved qualification from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as of March 11, 2024, at 4:30 P.M. The qualification was granted following the submission of Form 1-A, which is a regulatory filing required for companies seeking to offer securities under Regulation A. The company's CIK (Central Index Key) number is 0001566610, and the SEC file number for this qualification is 024-12400. This milestone allows Verb Technology to proceed with its plans to offer securities to the public under the specified regulations.
截至2024年3月11日下午4點30分,Verb Technology Company, Inc.已成功獲得美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的資格。該資格是在提交1-A表格後獲得的,該表格是尋求根據A條例發行證券的公司所需的監管文件。該公司的CIK(中央指數密鑰)編號爲0001566610,該資格的美國證券交易委員會文件號爲024-12400。這一里程碑使Verb Technology能夠繼續執行其根據特定法規向公衆提供證券的計劃。
截至2024年3月11日下午4點30分,Verb Technology Company, Inc.已成功獲得美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的資格。該資格是在提交1-A表格後獲得的,該表格是尋求根據A條例發行證券的公司所需的監管文件。該公司的CIK(中央指數密鑰)編號爲0001566610,該資格的美國證券交易委員會文件號爲024-12400。這一里程碑使Verb Technology能夠繼續執行其根據特定法規向公衆提供證券的計劃。


