
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras Clarifies Media Reports

Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras Clarifies Media Reports

巴西石油公司 | 6-K:巴西國家石油公司澄清媒體報道
SEC announcement ·  03/12 04:19
On March 8, 2024, Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras (Petrobras) addressed false media reports published by O Globo, denying claims that CEO Jean Paul Prates provided explanations to minority shareholders regarding his voting at a recent board meeting. The company also refuted allegations of an 'agreement with investors' for extraordinary dividends and the CEO's offer to resign. Petrobras confirmed the Board of Directors' authorization to propose R$14.2 billion in dividends at the Annual General Meeting, with the remaining R$43.9 billion profit to be allocated to the capital remuneration reserve. The company highlighted its second-highest net profit in history for 2023, a US$ 1.2 billion reduction in financial debt, a new competitive commercial strategy, and a focus on people. Petrobras reiterated its commitment to financial sustainability and timely market communication.
On March 8, 2024, Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras (Petrobras) addressed false media reports published by O Globo, denying claims that CEO Jean Paul Prates provided explanations to minority shareholders regarding his voting at a recent board meeting. The company also refuted allegations of an 'agreement with investors' for extraordinary dividends and the CEO's offer to resign. Petrobras confirmed the Board of Directors' authorization to propose R$14.2 billion in dividends at the Annual General Meeting, with the remaining R$43.9 billion profit to be allocated to the capital remuneration reserve. The company highlighted its second-highest net profit in history for 2023, a US$ 1.2 billion reduction in financial debt, a new competitive commercial strategy, and a focus on people. Petrobras reiterated its commitment to financial sustainability and timely market communication.
2024年3月8日,巴西石油公司(Petrobras)回應了環球報發佈的虛假媒體報道,否認了有關首席執行官讓·保羅·普拉茨在最近的董事會會議上向少數股東解釋其投票的說法。該公司還駁斥了有關 “與投資者達成特別股息協議” 以及首席執行官辭職提議的指控。巴西石油公司確認董事會授權在年度股東大會上提議142億雷亞爾的股息,其餘的439億雷亞爾利潤將分配給資本薪酬儲備。該公司強調了其2023年曆史上第二高的淨利潤,減少了12億美元的金融債務,新的競爭性商業戰略以及對人的關注。巴西石油公司重申了其對財務可持續性和及時市場溝通的承諾。
2024年3月8日,巴西石油公司(Petrobras)回應了環球報發佈的虛假媒體報道,否認了有關首席執行官讓·保羅·普拉茨在最近的董事會會議上向少數股東解釋其投票的說法。該公司還駁斥了有關 “與投資者達成特別股息協議” 以及首席執行官辭職提議的指控。巴西石油公司確認董事會授權在年度股東大會上提議142億雷亞爾的股息,其餘的439億雷亞爾利潤將分配給資本薪酬儲備。該公司強調了其2023年曆史上第二高的淨利潤,減少了12億美元的金融債務,新的競爭性商業戰略以及對人的關注。巴西石油公司重申了其對財務可持續性和及時市場溝通的承諾。


