


HKEX ·  Mar 8, 2024 16:45

Summary by Futu AI

藥明巨諾-B(股份代號:2126)宣布將於2024年3月20日(星期三)召開董事會會議。會議的主要議程包括考慮及批准集團截至2023年12月31日止年度的經審核綜合業績及其發佈,以及建議的末期股息(如有)。此外,會議還將處理任何其他事項。董事會成員包括主席兼執行董事李怡平醫生、非執行董事高星女士、Sungwon Song博士、劉誠博士,以及獨立非執行董事張耀樑先生、何建昌先生、Debra Yu醫生、Krishnan Viswanadhan博士及Ann Li Lee博士。
藥明巨諾-B(股份代號:2126)宣布將於2024年3月20日(星期三)召開董事會會議。會議的主要議程包括考慮及批准集團截至2023年12月31日止年度的經審核綜合業績及其發佈,以及建議的末期股息(如有)。此外,會議還將處理任何其他事項。董事會成員包括主席兼執行董事李怡平醫生、非執行董事高星女士、Sungwon Song博士、劉誠博士,以及獨立非執行董事張耀樑先生、何建昌先生、Debra Yu醫生、Krishnan Viswanadhan博士及Ann Li Lee博士。
Yumeng Yuano-B (stock code: 2126) announces that a Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. The main agenda of the meeting includes consideration and approval of the Group's audited consolidated results for the year ended 31 December 2023 and their publication, as well as the proposed final dividend (if any). In addition, the meeting will deal with any other matters. Board members include Chairman and Executive Director Dr. Lee Yi-ping, Non-Executive Director Ms. Ko Star, Dr. Sungwon Song, Dr. Liu Shing, as well as Independent Non-Executive Directors Mr. Chang Yiu Leung, Mr. Ho Kian Chang, Dr. Debra Yu, Dr. Krishnan Viswanadhan and Dr. Ann Li Lee.
Yumeng Yuano-B (stock code: 2126) announces that a Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. The main agenda of the meeting includes consideration and approval of the Group's audited consolidated results for the year ended 31 December 2023 and their publication, as well as the proposed final dividend (if any). In addition, the meeting will deal with any other matters. Board members include Chairman and Executive Director Dr. Lee Yi-ping, Non-Executive Director Ms. Ko Star, Dr. Sungwon Song, Dr. Liu Shing, as well as Independent Non-Executive Directors Mr. Chang Yiu Leung, Mr. Ho Kian Chang, Dr. Debra Yu, Dr. Krishnan Viswanadhan and Dr. Ann Li Lee.

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