
180 Life Sciences | 424B3: Prospectus

180 Life Sciences | 424B3:募資說明書

美股SEC公告 ·  02/28 19:42
180 Life Sciences Corp. has filed a prospectus supplement on February 28, 2024, to update and amend its previous prospectus dated May 12, 2023. The supplement includes information from the company's Current Reports filed on February 20, 26, and 28, 2024, with the SEC. A significant update disclosed is the 1-for-19 reverse stock split of the company's common stock, effective as of 12:01 A.M. Eastern Time on February 28, 2024. The last reported sale price of the company's common stock on Nasdaq was $0.195 per share on February 27, 2024. Additionally, the company has won a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment against its insurers, AmTrust and Freedom, which are now required to advance defense costs related to SEC subpoenas to the company's former executives. The trial is scheduled for May 12, 2025. Furthermore, the company announced the exercise of pre-funded warrants resulting in the issuance of 1,111,878 shares of common stock. Post-issuance, the company will have 11,270,710 shares of common stock outstanding. The reverse stock split is intended to help the company meet Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement for continued listing.
180 Life Sciences Corp. has filed a prospectus supplement on February 28, 2024, to update and amend its previous prospectus dated May 12, 2023. The supplement includes information from the company's Current Reports filed on February 20, 26, and 28, 2024, with the SEC. A significant update disclosed is the 1-for-19 reverse stock split of the company's common stock, effective as of 12:01 A.M. Eastern Time on February 28, 2024. The last reported sale price of the company's common stock on Nasdaq was $0.195 per share on February 27, 2024. Additionally, the company has won a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment against its insurers, AmTrust and Freedom, which are now required to advance defense costs related to SEC subpoenas to the company's former executives. The trial is scheduled for May 12, 2025. Furthermore, the company announced the exercise of pre-funded warrants resulting in the issuance of 1,111,878 shares of common stock. Post-issuance, the company will have 11,270,710 shares of common stock outstanding. The reverse stock split is intended to help the company meet Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement for continued listing.
180 Life Sciences Corp. 已於2024年2月28日提交了招股說明書補充文件,以更新和修改其先前於2023年5月12日的招股說明書。該補充文件包括該公司於2024年2月20日、26日和28日向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新報告中的信息。披露的一項重大更新是公司普通股的反向股票分割比例,自美國東部時間2024年2月28日凌晨 12:01 起生效。2024年2月27日,該公司在納斯達克上次公佈的普通股銷售價格爲每股0.195美元。此外,該公司還贏得了針對其保險公司AmTrust和Freedom的部分即決判決動議,這兩家保險公司現在需要向該公司前高管預付與美國證券交易委員會傳票有關的辯護費用。該審判定於2025年5月12日進行。此外,該公司宣佈行使預先注資的認股權證,從而發行了1,111,878股普通股。發行後,該公司將有11,270,710股已發行普通股。反向股票拆分旨在幫助該公司滿足納斯達克繼續上市的最低出價要求。
180 Life Sciences Corp. 已於2024年2月28日提交了招股說明書補充文件,以更新和修改其先前於2023年5月12日的招股說明書。該補充文件包括該公司於2024年2月20日、26日和28日向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新報告中的信息。披露的一項重大更新是公司普通股的反向股票分割比例,自美國東部時間2024年2月28日凌晨 12:01 起生效。2024年2月27日,該公司在納斯達克上次公佈的普通股銷售價格爲每股0.195美元。此外,該公司還贏得了針對其保險公司AmTrust和Freedom的部分即決判決動議,這兩家保險公司現在需要向該公司前高管預付與美國證券交易委員會傳票有關的辯護費用。該審判定於2025年5月12日進行。此外,該公司宣佈行使預先注資的認股權證,從而發行了1,111,878股普通股。發行後,該公司將有11,270,710股已發行普通股。反向股票拆分旨在幫助該公司滿足納斯達克繼續上市的最低出價要求。


