
QuantumScape | 4: Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities-Director Singh Jagdeep

QuantumScape | 4:持股變動聲明-董事 Singh Jagdeep

SEC announcement ·  02/28 07:27
Jagdeep Singh, associated with QuantumScape Corp [QS], completed a sale of QuantumScape's Class A Common Stock on two separate dates. The first transaction occurred on 02/23/2024, where Singh disposed of 21,402 shares at a price of $6.0822 per share. The second sale took place on 02/26/2024, with 19,890 shares sold at $6.1601 each. The total number of shares sold across both transactions was 41,292, resulting in a combined market value of approximately $252,695.63. Following these transactions, Singh's direct holdings in QuantumScape amount to 2,991,688 shares. Additionally, Singh has indirect holdings through The Singh Family Trust and other trusts, totaling 7,035,386 shares of Class A Common Stock.
Jagdeep Singh, associated with QuantumScape Corp [QS], completed a sale of QuantumScape's Class A Common Stock on two separate dates. The first transaction occurred on 02/23/2024, where Singh disposed of 21,402 shares at a price of $6.0822 per share. The second sale took place on 02/26/2024, with 19,890 shares sold at $6.1601 each. The total number of shares sold across both transactions was 41,292, resulting in a combined market value of approximately $252,695.63. Following these transactions, Singh's direct holdings in QuantumScape amount to 2,991,688 shares. Additionally, Singh has indirect holdings through The Singh Family Trust and other trusts, totaling 7,035,386 shares of Class A Common Stock.
與QuantumScape Corp [QS] 相關的賈格迪普·辛格在兩個不同的日期完成了對QuantumScapeA類普通股的出售。第一筆交易發生在2024年2月23日,辛格以每股6.0822美元的價格出售了21,402股股票。第二次出售於2024年2月26日進行,共有19,890股股票以每股6.1601美元的價格出售。兩筆交易中出售的股票總數爲41,292股,總市值約爲252,695.63美元。這些交易之後,辛格在QuantumScape的直接持股量爲2,991,688股股票。此外,辛格通過辛格家族信託基金和其他信託基金間接持有,共持有7,035,386股A類普通股。
與QuantumScape Corp [QS] 相關的賈格迪普·辛格在兩個不同的日期完成了對QuantumScapeA類普通股的出售。第一筆交易發生在2024年2月23日,辛格以每股6.0822美元的價格出售了21,402股股票。第二次出售於2024年2月26日進行,共有19,890股股票以每股6.1601美元的價格出售。兩筆交易中出售的股票總數爲41,292股,總市值約爲252,695.63美元。這些交易之後,辛格在QuantumScape的直接持股量爲2,991,688股股票。此外,辛格通過辛格家族信託基金和其他信託基金間接持有,共持有7,035,386股A類普通股。


