
180 Life Sciences | 424B3: Prospectus

180 Life Sciences | 424B3:募資說明書

美股SEC公告 ·  02/17 06:08
180 Life Sciences Corp. has filed a prospectus supplement with the SEC, updating and amending its previous prospectus dated May 12, 2023. The supplement includes information from Current Reports filed on various dates from December 2023 to February 2024, and details an extension and reduction in the exercise price of certain common stock purchase warrants. The company's common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol 'ATNF', with a last reported sale price of $0.21 per share as of February 15, 2024. The company has been involved in a series of corporate actions, including a repricing and extension of warrants, compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), and amendments to executive compensation agreements. These actions were taken in response to a notice from Nasdaq regarding non-compliance with shareholder approval requirements and to address the company's stockholders' equity deficit. Additionally, the company has engaged a financial advisor to explore strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value. The date of the latest prospectus supplement is February 16, 2024.
180 Life Sciences Corp. has filed a prospectus supplement with the SEC, updating and amending its previous prospectus dated May 12, 2023. The supplement includes information from Current Reports filed on various dates from December 2023 to February 2024, and details an extension and reduction in the exercise price of certain common stock purchase warrants. The company's common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol 'ATNF', with a last reported sale price of $0.21 per share as of February 15, 2024. The company has been involved in a series of corporate actions, including a repricing and extension of warrants, compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), and amendments to executive compensation agreements. These actions were taken in response to a notice from Nasdaq regarding non-compliance with shareholder approval requirements and to address the company's stockholders' equity deficit. Additionally, the company has engaged a financial advisor to explore strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value. The date of the latest prospectus supplement is February 16, 2024.
180 Life Sciences Corp. 已向美國證券交易委員會提交了招股說明書補充文件,更新並修改了其先前於2023年5月12日發佈的招股說明書。該補充文件包括2023年12月至2024年2月不同日期提交的最新報告中的信息,並詳細說明了某些普通股購買權證行使價的延期和下調。該公司的普通股在納斯達克上市,股票代碼爲 “ATNF”,截至2024年2月15日,上次公佈的銷售價格爲每股0.21美元。該公司參與了一系列公司行動,包括認股權證的重新定價和延期、遵守納斯達克上市規則5635(d)以及修訂高管薪酬協議。這些行動是對納斯達克關於不遵守股東批准要求的通知的回應,也是爲了解決公司的股東權益赤字問題。此外,該公司還聘請了一位財務顧問來探索戰略替代方案,以提高股東價值。最新的招股說明書補充文件發佈日期爲2024年2月16日。
180 Life Sciences Corp. 已向美國證券交易委員會提交了招股說明書補充文件,更新並修改了其先前於2023年5月12日發佈的招股說明書。該補充文件包括2023年12月至2024年2月不同日期提交的最新報告中的信息,並詳細說明了某些普通股購買權證行使價的延期和下調。該公司的普通股在納斯達克上市,股票代碼爲 “ATNF”,截至2024年2月15日,上次公佈的銷售價格爲每股0.21美元。該公司參與了一系列公司行動,包括認股權證的重新定價和延期、遵守納斯達克上市規則5635(d)以及修訂高管薪酬協議。這些行動是對納斯達克關於不遵守股東批准要求的通知的回應,也是爲了解決公司的股東權益赤字問題。此外,該公司還聘請了一位財務顧問來探索戰略替代方案,以提高股東價值。最新的招股說明書補充文件發佈日期爲2024年2月16日。


