
Bit Digital | S-8: Initial registration statement for securities to be offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans

Bit Digital | S-8:員工福利計劃證券登記

美股SEC公告 ·  02/09 06:26
Bit Digital, Inc., a Cayman Islands-based company trading on the Nasdaq under the ticker BTBT, has filed a registration statement on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 8, 2024. The registration pertains to the 2023 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, which includes various forms of share options and restricted share units for employees, directors, and consultants. The plan aims to incentivize and retain key personnel by offering equity awards. The registration statement covers the potential resale of ordinary shares by selling securityholders, who may be affiliates of the company and have acquired shares through the equity incentive plan. The filing ensures compliance with U.S. securities laws and provides detailed information about the plan, the shares being registered...Show More
Bit Digital, Inc., a Cayman Islands-based company trading on the Nasdaq under the ticker BTBT, has filed a registration statement on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 8, 2024. The registration pertains to the 2023 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, which includes various forms of share options and restricted share units for employees, directors, and consultants. The plan aims to incentivize and retain key personnel by offering equity awards. The registration statement covers the potential resale of ordinary shares by selling securityholders, who may be affiliates of the company and have acquired shares through the equity incentive plan. The filing ensures compliance with U.S. securities laws and provides detailed information about the plan, the shares being registered, and the selling securityholders. Bit Digital's operations involve cryptocurrency mining and blockchain technology, and the company has recently shifted its focus from China to North America due to regulatory changes. The company has not paid dividends in the past and does not anticipate doing so in the foreseeable future, with capital appreciation being the primary potential gain for shareholders.
總部位於開曼群島的Bit Digital, Inc. 是一家在納斯達克上市的公司,股票代碼爲BTBT,該公司已於2024年2月8日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了S-8表格的註冊聲明。該註冊與2023年綜合股權激勵計劃有關,其中包括爲員工、董事和顧問提供的各種形式的股票期權和限制性股票單位。該計劃旨在通過提供股權獎勵來激勵和留住關鍵人員。註冊聲明涵蓋了通過出售證券持有人可能轉售普通股的情況,這些證券持有人可能是公司的關聯公司,並已通過股權激勵計劃收購了股份。該文件確保遵守美國證券法,並提供了有關該計劃、註冊股票和出售證券持有人的詳細信息。Bit Digital的業務涉及加密貨幣挖礦和區塊鏈技術,由於監管變化,該公司最近將重點從中國轉移到了北美。該公司過去沒有派發過股息,預計在可預見的將來也不會派發股息,資本增值是股東的主要潛在收益。
總部位於開曼群島的Bit Digital, Inc. 是一家在納斯達克上市的公司,股票代碼爲BTBT,該公司已於2024年2月8日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了S-8表格的註冊聲明。該註冊與2023年綜合股權激勵計劃有關,其中包括爲員工、董事和顧問提供的各種形式的股票期權和限制性股票單位。該計劃旨在通過提供股權獎勵來激勵和留住關鍵人員。註冊聲明涵蓋了通過出售證券持有人可能轉售普通股的情況,這些證券持有人可能是公司的關聯公司,並已通過股權激勵計劃收購了股份。該文件確保遵守美國證券法,並提供了有關該計劃、註冊股票和出售證券持有人的詳細信息。Bit Digital的業務涉及加密貨幣挖礦和區塊鏈技術,由於監管變化,該公司最近將重點從中國轉移到了北美。該公司過去沒有派發過股息,預計在可預見的將來也不會派發股息,資本增值是股東的主要潛在收益。


