
SaverOne 2014 | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SaverOne 2014 | 6-K:外國發行人報告

SEC announcement ·  02/05 21:27
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a technology company specializing in transportation safety solutions, has announced a significant contract with Egged Tours, a leading Israeli transportation company, to install their Driver Distraction Solution System on 300 buses. The installation process will begin with 80 systems in the coming month, followed by an additional 220 systems. Egged Tours, a subsidiary of Egged Transportation which operates Israel's largest bus fleet, has chosen SaverOne's system to enhance road safety by reducing driver distraction caused by mobile phone usage. Ori Gilboa, CEO of SaverOne, expressed pride in the partnership, emphasizing the strategic importance of their solution in the transportation sector. Saadi Mohand Hamudi, VP Operation and Movement at Egged Tours, highlighted the system's alignment with their priority of...Show More
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a technology company specializing in transportation safety solutions, has announced a significant contract with Egged Tours, a leading Israeli transportation company, to install their Driver Distraction Solution System on 300 buses. The installation process will begin with 80 systems in the coming month, followed by an additional 220 systems. Egged Tours, a subsidiary of Egged Transportation which operates Israel's largest bus fleet, has chosen SaverOne's system to enhance road safety by reducing driver distraction caused by mobile phone usage. Ori Gilboa, CEO of SaverOne, expressed pride in the partnership, emphasizing the strategic importance of their solution in the transportation sector. Saadi Mohand Hamudi, VP Operation and Movement at Egged Tours, highlighted the system's alignment with their priority of passenger and driver safety. SaverOne's system is designed to prevent drivers from accessing distracting applications while driving, without requiring user intervention. The company targets commercial and private vehicle fleets, vehicle manufacturers, and insurance and leasing companies, focusing on markets in Israel, Europe, the US, and globally. The announcement was made on February 5, 2024, and was filed with the SEC as part of a Form 6-K report.
專門從事交通安全解決方案的科技公司SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 宣佈與以色列領先的運輸公司Egged Tours簽訂一項重要合同,將在300輛公交車上安裝其駕駛員分散注意力解決方案系統。安裝過程將在下個月開始 80 個系統,然後再增加 220 個系統。運營以色列最大公交車隊的Egged Torsportation的子公司Egged Tours選擇了SaverOne的系統,通過減少因使用手機而導致的駕駛員分心,從而增強道路安全。SaverOne首席執行官奧裏·吉爾博亞對這次合作表示自豪,強調了他們的解決方案在交通領域的戰略重要性。Egged Tours運營和運動副總裁薩阿迪·莫漢德·哈穆...展開全部
專門從事交通安全解決方案的科技公司SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 宣佈與以色列領先的運輸公司Egged Tours簽訂一項重要合同,將在300輛公交車上安裝其駕駛員分散注意力解決方案系統。安裝過程將在下個月開始 80 個系統,然後再增加 220 個系統。運營以色列最大公交車隊的Egged Torsportation的子公司Egged Tours選擇了SaverOne的系統,通過減少因使用手機而導致的駕駛員分心,從而增強道路安全。SaverOne首席執行官奧裏·吉爾博亞對這次合作表示自豪,強調了他們的解決方案在交通領域的戰略重要性。Egged Tours運營和運動副總裁薩阿迪·莫漢德·哈穆迪強調說,該系統與乘客和司機安全的優先事項保持一致。SaverOne 的系統旨在防止駕駛員在開車時訪問分散注意力的應用程序,無需用戶干預。該公司的目標客戶是商用車和私家車車隊、汽車製造商以及保險和租賃公司,重點關注以色列、歐洲、美國和全球市場。該公告於2024年2月5日發佈,並作爲6-K表格報告的一部分提交給美國證券交易委員會。


