
SaverOne 2014 | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SaverOne 2014 | 6-K:外國發行人報告

SEC announcement ·  01/27 05:15
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a foreign private issuer, has filed a Form 6-K with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for January 2024. The company had previously announced on December 20, 2023, its intentions to acquire certain operations, products, and intellectual property from another company, pending a due diligence process. The due diligence period was extended until February 1, 2024, to allow for further review and the preparation of definitive documentation. However, SaverOne 2014 Ltd. has now reported that an agreement could not be reached on the potential acquisition, and both parties have decided to terminate further discussions regarding the transaction. This update is now part of the company's official records, as it is incorporated by reference into SaverOne 2014 Ltd.'s Registration Statements on Form S-8 and Form F-3.
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a foreign private issuer, has filed a Form 6-K with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for January 2024. The company had previously announced on December 20, 2023, its intentions to acquire certain operations, products, and intellectual property from another company, pending a due diligence process. The due diligence period was extended until February 1, 2024, to allow for further review and the preparation of definitive documentation. However, SaverOne 2014 Ltd. has now reported that an agreement could not be reached on the potential acquisition, and both parties have decided to terminate further discussions regarding the transaction. This update is now part of the company's official records, as it is incorporated by reference into SaverOne 2014 Ltd.'s Registration Statements on Form S-8 and Form F-3.
外國私人發行人SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 已向美國證券交易委員會提交了2024年1月的6-K表格。該公司此前曾在2023年12月20日宣佈,打算在盡職調查程序之前從另一家公司收購某些業務、產品和知識產權。盡職調查期延長至2024年2月1日,以便進一步審查和準備最終文件。但是,SaverOne 2014 Ltd.現已報告稱,無法就潛在的收購達成協議,雙方已決定終止有關該交易的進一步討論。此更新現已成爲公司官方記錄的一部分,因爲它以引用方式併入了SaverOne 2014 Ltd。”s 表格 S-8 和 F-3 上的註冊聲明。
外國私人發行人SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 已向美國證券交易委員會提交了2024年1月的6-K表格。該公司此前曾在2023年12月20日宣佈,打算在盡職調查程序之前從另一家公司收購某些業務、產品和知識產權。盡職調查期延長至2024年2月1日,以便進一步審查和準備最終文件。但是,SaverOne 2014 Ltd.現已報告稱,無法就潛在的收購達成協議,雙方已決定終止有關該交易的進一步討論。此更新現已成爲公司官方記錄的一部分,因爲它以引用方式併入了SaverOne 2014 Ltd。”s 表格 S-8 和 F-3 上的註冊聲明。


