
SaverOne 2014 | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SaverOne 2014 | 6-K:外國發行人報告

SEC announcement ·  01/22 13:00
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a technology company specializing in advanced transportation safety solutions, has announced a significant business development on January 22, 2024. The company revealed that its SaverOne system, designed to reduce driver distraction by limiting access to mobile phone applications while driving, will be installed across the entire fleet of Strauss Group, one of Israel's largest food manufacturers. This decision comes after a successful trial on 17 Strauss trucks, which demonstrated a notable reduction in accident rates. The full deployment of the SaverOne system across Strauss Group's fleet of over 80 food delivery trucks underscores the company's commitment to road safety and responsible vehicle operation. SaverOne's CEO, Ori Gilboa, expressed pride in this achievement, highlighting the strategic importance of the...Show More
SaverOne 2014 Ltd., a technology company specializing in advanced transportation safety solutions, has announced a significant business development on January 22, 2024. The company revealed that its SaverOne system, designed to reduce driver distraction by limiting access to mobile phone applications while driving, will be installed across the entire fleet of Strauss Group, one of Israel's largest food manufacturers. This decision comes after a successful trial on 17 Strauss trucks, which demonstrated a notable reduction in accident rates. The full deployment of the SaverOne system across Strauss Group's fleet of over 80 food delivery trucks underscores the company's commitment to road safety and responsible vehicle operation. SaverOne's CEO, Ori Gilboa, expressed pride in this achievement, highlighting the strategic importance of the partnership with Strauss Group, which is also connected to Frito-Lay and PepsiCo, potentially paving the way for international expansion. The company's technology aims to address the global issue of road accidents caused by mobile phone use while driving, which is estimated to cost the United States around $870 billion annually. SaverOne targets commercial and private vehicle fleets, vehicle manufacturers, and insurance and leasing companies, focusing on markets in Israel, Europe, the US, and globally. The company also anticipates that upcoming EU regulations will increase demand for its systems.
專門從事先進運輸安全解決方案的科技公司SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 已於2024年1月22日宣佈了一項重大業務發展。該公司透露,其SaverOne系統將安裝在以色列最大的食品製造商之一施特勞斯集團的整個車隊中,該系統旨在通過限制駕駛時訪問手機應用程序來減少駕駛員的分心。該決定是在成功試用了17輛施特勞斯卡車之後做出的,結果表明事故發生率顯著下降。在施特勞斯集團由80多輛送餐卡車組成的車隊中全面部署SaverOne系統,這凸顯了該公司對道路安全和負責任的車輛運營的承諾。SaverOne首席執行官奧裏·吉爾博亞對這一成就表示自豪,強調了與施特勞斯集團合作的戰略重要性。施特勞斯集團也與Fri...展開全部
專門從事先進運輸安全解決方案的科技公司SaverOne 2014 Ltd. 已於2024年1月22日宣佈了一項重大業務發展。該公司透露,其SaverOne系統將安裝在以色列最大的食品製造商之一施特勞斯集團的整個車隊中,該系統旨在通過限制駕駛時訪問手機應用程序來減少駕駛員的分心。該決定是在成功試用了17輛施特勞斯卡車之後做出的,結果表明事故發生率顯著下降。在施特勞斯集團由80多輛送餐卡車組成的車隊中全面部署SaverOne系統,這凸顯了該公司對道路安全和負責任的車輛運營的承諾。SaverOne首席執行官奧裏·吉爾博亞對這一成就表示自豪,強調了與施特勞斯集團合作的戰略重要性。施特勞斯集團也與Frito-Lay和百事可樂有聯繫,有可能爲國際擴張鋪平道路。該公司的技術旨在解決開車時使用手機造成的道路交通事故的全球問題,據估計,這每年給美國造成約8,700億美元的損失。SaverOne的目標是商用車和私家車車隊、汽車製造商以及保險和租賃公司,重點關注以色列、歐洲、美國和全球市場。該公司還預計,即將出臺的歐盟法規將增加對其系統的需求。


