
INNO Holdings | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report

INNO Holdings | 10-K:2023財年年報

美股SEC公告 ·  01/16 13:00
INNO Holdings, a Texas-based construction products and services company, reported a challenging financial year, with a net loss of $4,023,204 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023. This represents a significant increase in losses compared to the previous year's net loss of $1,130,007. The company's total revenues plummeted to $799,747, a stark decrease from the $4,502,568 reported in the prior year. The financial statements also highlighted a substantial bad debt expense of $1,267,960, which was not present in the previous year. Despite these setbacks, INNO Holdings completed a reverse acquisition under common control, acquiring Inno Metal Studs Corp. (IMSC) and making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. The company's future plans include efforts to increase revenue-generating operations and seeking additional financing to...Show More
INNO Holdings, a Texas-based construction products and services company, reported a challenging financial year, with a net loss of $4,023,204 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023. This represents a significant increase in losses compared to the previous year's net loss of $1,130,007. The company's total revenues plummeted to $799,747, a stark decrease from the $4,502,568 reported in the prior year. The financial statements also highlighted a substantial bad debt expense of $1,267,960, which was not present in the previous year. Despite these setbacks, INNO Holdings completed a reverse acquisition under common control, acquiring Inno Metal Studs Corp. (IMSC) and making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. The company's future plans include efforts to increase revenue-generating operations and seeking additional financing to support ongoing research and development, as well as other operations. The company's ability to continue as a going concern is dependent on generating sufficient cash flows or obtaining further financing, which is not guaranteed. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates asset realization and liability settlement in the normal course of business.
總部位於德克薩斯州的建築產品和服務公司INNO Holdings報告了艱難的財政年度,截至2023年9月30日的財年淨虧損爲4,023,204美元。與上一年的淨虧損1,130,007美元相比,虧損顯著增加。該公司的總收入暴跌至799,747美元,較去年公佈的4,502,568美元大幅下降。財務報表還強調了1,267,960美元的巨額壞賬支出,這在去年沒有出現。儘管遇到了這些挫折,但INNO Holdings仍在共同控制下完成了反向收購,收購了Inno Metal Studs Corp.(IMSC),使其成爲全資子公司。該公司的未來計劃包括努力增加創收業務,尋求額外融資以支持正在進行的研發以及其他業務。公司繼續經營的能力取決於能否產生足夠的現金流或獲得進一步的融資,而這並無保障。財務報表是在持續經營的基礎上編制的,其中考慮了正常業務過程中的資產變現和負債結算。
總部位於德克薩斯州的建築產品和服務公司INNO Holdings報告了艱難的財政年度,截至2023年9月30日的財年淨虧損爲4,023,204美元。與上一年的淨虧損1,130,007美元相比,虧損顯著增加。該公司的總收入暴跌至799,747美元,較去年公佈的4,502,568美元大幅下降。財務報表還強調了1,267,960美元的巨額壞賬支出,這在去年沒有出現。儘管遇到了這些挫折,但INNO Holdings仍在共同控制下完成了反向收購,收購了Inno Metal Studs Corp.(IMSC),使其成爲全資子公司。該公司的未來計劃包括努力增加創收業務,尋求額外融資以支持正在進行的研發以及其他業務。公司繼續經營的能力取決於能否產生足夠的現金流或獲得進一步的融資,而這並無保障。財務報表是在持續經營的基礎上編制的,其中考慮了正常業務過程中的資產變現和負債結算。


