
Kaival Brands Innovations | EFFECT: Others

Kaival Brands Innovations | EFFECT:其他

美股SEC公告 ·  01/16 13:00


The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has declared the Form S-1 filed by Kaival Brands Innovations effective as of January 12, 2024, at 4:30 PM. This form is typically used by companies to register new securities for sale to the public, indicating that Kaival Brands Innovations may be preparing to offer new securities. The effectiveness of the registration is a significant step for the company, allowing it to proceed with the sale of securities as outlined in its filing under file number 333-275653.
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has declared the Form S-1 filed by Kaival Brands Innovations effective as of January 12, 2024, at 4:30 PM. This form is typically used by companies to register new securities for sale to the public, indicating that Kaival Brands Innovations may be preparing to offer new securities. The effectiveness of the registration is a significant step for the company, allowing it to proceed with the sale of securities as outlined in its filing under file number 333-275653.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)宣佈凱瓦爾品牌創新公司提交的S-1表格自2024年1月12日下午4點30分起生效。公司通常使用該表格來註冊向公衆出售的新證券,這表明Kaival Brands Innovations可能正準備發行新證券。註冊的有效性是該公司邁出的重要一步,這使它能夠按照其文件編號爲333-275653的文件中所述繼續出售證券。
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)宣佈凱瓦爾品牌創新公司提交的S-1表格自2024年1月12日下午4點30分起生效。公司通常使用該表格來註冊向公衆出售的新證券,這表明Kaival Brands Innovations可能正準備發行新證券。註冊的有效性是該公司邁出的重要一步,這使它能夠按照其文件編號爲333-275653的文件中所述繼續出售證券。


