
SHK PPT (00016.HK) Vaccination Lucky Draw Registration Opens Today

SHK PPT (00016.HK) Vaccination Lucky Draw Registration Opens Today

SHK PPT(00016.HK)疫苗接種抽獎登記今日開始
AAStocks ·  2021/06/25 09:54

SHK PPT (00016.HK)'s vaccination lucky draw with rewards worth $10 million is opened for registration from 25 June 2021 at 9 am.

In order to encourage vaccination, the company announced that the batch who registered first could enjoy the most lucky draw opportunities, with the possibility of receiving rewards including iPhone 12 for 62 consecutive days.

Apart from that, SHK PPT has also included more hotel dining cash vouchers as the rewards for the scheme, in hope to benefit as many citizens as possible.

SHK PPT(00016.HK)價值1,000萬元的疫苗注射抽獎活動將於2021年6月25日上午9時開始接受登記。為了鼓勵接種疫苗,該公司宣佈,第一批註冊的人可以享受最大的抽獎機會,有可能連續62天獲得包括iPhone 12在內的獎勵。除此之外,新鴻基地產PPT還加入了更多酒店餐飲現金券作為該計劃的獎勵,希望能讓儘可能多的市民受益。

