
McDonald's and Music: Rapper J Balvin Meal on the Menu

McDonald's and Music: Rapper J Balvin Meal on the Menu

麥當勞與音樂:菜單上的說唱歌手 J 巴爾文餐
TheStreet ·  2020/10/05 16:22

McDonald's( MCD ) - Get Reportagain turns to music with its marketing, introducing a meal in collaboration with the Colombian reggaeton singer J Balvin.

麥當勞 MCD )-獲取 Reportagain 轉向音樂與其營銷,介紹了一頓飯與哥倫比亞雷鬼歌手 J 巴爾文合作。

The Chicago fast-food giant will offer a J Balvin Meal, including a Big Mac sandwich, medium fries, ketchup and an Oreo( MDLZ ) - Get ReportMcFlurry.

芝加哥快餐巨頭將提供 J Balvin 餐,包括大麥三明治,中炸薯條,番茄醬和奧利奧( MDLZ )-獲取報告麥克布魯里。

Participating restaurants will offer the deal for almost a month starting Monday.


The J Balvin Meal is available in restaurants, for carry-out, drive-through and delivery or through the McDonald’s App. Customers who buy the meal on the app get the Oreo dessert for free.

J Balvin 餐在餐廳提供,用於外帶,開車和送貨或通過麥當勞應用程序。在應用程序上購買餐點的顧客可以免費獲得奧利奧甜點。

“He’s always been a regular at McDonald’s restaurants during his concert tours, and now we’re excited to bring his go-to order to our menus across the U.S," said McDonald’s U.S. chief marketing officer, Morgan Flatley, in a statement.

麥當勞美國首席行銷官摩根·弗拉特利(Morgan Flatley)在一份聲明中表示:「他在音樂會巡迴演唱會期間一直在麥當勞餐廳工作,現在我們很高興能夠將他的首選訂單帶到美國各地的菜單上。

A few weeks back McDonald's reportedly ran out of burgers due to massive demand for the prominent rapper Travis Scott's meal.

幾週前麥當勞據報導,由於對著名說唱歌手特拉維斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)的大量需求,麥當勞用完了漢堡。

The Travis Scott meal included a Quarter Pounder with cheese, bacon and lettuce, a medium order of french fries, with BBQ sauce and a Sprite.

特拉維斯·斯科特(Travis Scott)餐包括一個四分之一磅的奶酪,培根和生菜,中等訂單的炸薯條,配燒烤醬和雪碧。

With that collaboration, Scott became the first celebrity to be featured on the McDonald’s menu since 1992. Balvin is the second.

通過這次合作,Scott 成為自 1992 年以來第一位在麥當勞菜單上出現的名人。第二個是巴爾文

Basketball legend Michael Jordan appeared on its menu in 1992.

籃球傳奇人物邁克爾·喬丹出現在 1992 年的菜單上。

On Sept. 16, McDonald's launched its new Spicy Chicken McNuggets, a hot spin on the classic dish, the first tweak to the traditional recipe since 1983.

9 月 16 日,麥當勞推出了全新的香辣雞麥塊,這是經典菜式上的熱旋轉,這是 1983 年以來傳統食譜的首次調整。

Shares of McDonald's at last check were up 1.2% to $225.40. The stock is up 79% since it bounced off its 52-week low above $124 in mid-March, early in the pandemic.

麥當勞在上次檢查的股份上漲了 1.2%,至 225.40 美元。該股價上漲了 79%,因為它在 3 月中旬在大流行初期從 52 周低點上方的 124 美元上方反彈。

