
Credit Suisse, UBS held tie-up talks backed by both chairmen: Bilanz

Credit Suisse, UBS held tie-up talks backed by both chairmen: Bilanz

瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)、瑞銀(UBS)舉行了兩位董事長都支持的結盟談判:Bilanz
StreetInsider ·  2020/09/23 19:53


ZURICH (Reuters) - The chairmen of UBSand Credit Suisse (OTC: CSGN) supported a merger of equals between Switzerland's two largest banks during discussions earlier this year, Swiss magazine Bilanz reported on Wednesday, adding talks had since stagnated.


The details reported by finance periodical Bilanz suggest that a merger between Credit Suisse and UBS, which had been examined by staff working under UBS chairman Axel Weber in recent months, had been more seriously considered than previously known, receiving backing from both parties.

金融期刊Bilanz報道的細節表明,瑞信(Credit Suisse)和瑞銀(UBS)之間的合併得到了雙方的支持。瑞信和瑞銀近幾個月來一直在瑞銀董事長埃克塞爾·韋伯(Axel Weber)手下工作的員工對合並進行了審查。

UBS declined comment. Credit Suisse did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Switzerland's two biggest banks held tie-up negotiations in the first half of the year, Bilanz reported, citing two unnamed sources involved in the discussions.


Although kept secret, a merger had been considered seriously, one source told Bilanz, receiving the backing of both UBS Chairman Axel Weber and Credit Suisse Chairman Urs Rohner, who is due to retire from his post in 2021.

一位消息人士告訴Bilanz,儘管保密,但已經認真考慮過合併,並得到了瑞銀董事長阿克塞爾·韋伯(Axel Weber)和瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)董事長烏爾斯·羅納(Urs Rohner)的支持,後者將於2021年退休。

However, discussions had dropped off since the summer holidays, one source told Bilanz, amid a drop in Credit Suisse's share price placing the banks' respective valuations beyond the merger of equals threshold.

然而,一位消息人士告訴Bilanz,自暑假以來,談判已經停止,因為瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)股價下跌,使兩家銀行的各自估值超過了對等合併的門檻。

Reuters reported last week that the board of UBS had gathered to discuss strategy, but a merger with Credit Suisse was not on the official agenda, suggesting cooling interest in the idea.

路透社(Reuters)上週報道稱,瑞銀董事會已聚集在一起討論戰略,但與瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)的合併不在官方議程上,這表明人們對這一想法的興趣正在降温。

Both chief executives of UBS and Credit Suisse expressed expectations of an up-tick in consolidation within Europe's banking sector at a conference on Tuesday, with UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti calling more deals "inevitable".

在週二的一次會議上,瑞銀(UBS)和瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)的首席執行官都表達了對歐洲銀行業內部整合加快的預期,瑞銀首席執行官塞爾吉奧·埃爾莫蒂(Sergio Ermotti)稱更多交易是“不可避免的”。

(Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; editing by Barbara Lewis)

(Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi報道;Barbara Lewis編輯)

