
IBM and ESPN Announce New Feature in Fantasy Football App That Uses Artificial Intelligence from IBM Watson To Create Fair Trades

IBM and ESPN Announce New Feature in Fantasy Football App That Uses Artificial Intelligence from IBM Watson To Create Fair Trades

IBM和ESPN宣佈夢幻足球應用程序的新功能,該應用程序使用IBM Watson的人工智能來創建公平交易
PR Newswire ·  2020/09/10 20:29

New Trade Assistant with IBM Watson helps reduce the complexities of fantasy football player trading - helping users make smarter, more informed decisions


ARMONK, N.Y.,Sept. 10, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- Today, IBM (NYSE:IBM) and ESPN announced Trade Assistant with IBM Watson, a new feature to the ESPN Fantasy Football app designed to help fantasy football players make more informed, fair trades throughout the 2020 season. The feature builds on ESPN and IBM's efforts to make playing Fantasy Football more engaging by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI).

紐約州阿蒙克,9月2020年10月10日/美通社/--今天,IBM(紐約證券交易所代碼:IBM)和ESPN宣佈推出IBM Watson的Trade Assistant,這是ESPN Fantasy Football應用程序的一項新功能,旨在幫助夢幻足球運動員在整個2020賽季進行更知情、更公平的交易。該功能建立在ESPN和IBM通過利用人工智能(AI)使玩夢幻足球更具吸引力的努力基礎上。


Trade Assistant with IBM Watson is designed to reduce the complexities of fantasy football trades by suggesting trades that assess the fairness and value of a proposed trade – helping fantasy football players make smarter, more informed decisions. Trade Assistant with IBM Watson will assess the value of a player on a roster, the cost of losing a player and the equity involved in a trade. The new IBM feature is integrated only into ESPN Fantasy Football apps (mobile iOS & Android).

IBM Watson的貿易助理旨在通過建議評估擬議交易的公平性和價值的交易來降低夢幻足球交易的複雜性-幫助夢幻足球球員做出更明智、更知情的決定。IBM Watson的交易助理將評估球員名單上一名球員的價值、失去一名球員的成本以及交易中涉及的權益。IBM的新功能僅集成到ESPN Fantasy Football應用程序(移動iOS和Android)中。

"IBM is a longstanding, pivotal sponsor of ESPN Fantasy Football. Over the years, we have worked with IBM to uniquely integrate the brand andWatsontechnology to enhance the fantasy player experience and drive deeper engagement with sports fans," saidMarco Forte, Senior Vice President, Disney Advertising Sales. "This year, our relationship is reaching new heights with Trade Assistant with IBM Watson , which is a testament to the types of innovation that can emerge from exceptional collaboration."

迪士尼廣告銷售部馬可·福特、高級副總裁表示:“IBM是ESPN夢幻足球的長期重要贊助商。多年來,我們一直與IBM合作,以獨特的方式整合該品牌和華生的技術,以增強夢幻球員的體驗,並推動與體育迷的更深層次互動。”今年,我們的關係達到了新的高度IBM Watson的貿易助理,這證明瞭從卓越的協作中可以產生的創新類型。

To suggest trades, Trade Assistant with IBM Watson uses Watson Discovery's advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to extract, translate and review inputs on football players and teams such as player stats and experts' sentiment from sources including, news articles, blogs and podcast transcripts. This helps to remove bias and uncover new insights from troves of unstructured and structured data buried in a variety of different document types.

為了建議交易,IBM Watson的貿易助理使用Watson Discovery的高級自然語言處理(NLP)功能,從、新聞文章、博客和播客文本等來源提取、翻譯和審查有關足球運動員和球隊的信息,如球員統計數據和專家情緒。這有助於消除偏見,並從隱藏在各種不同文檔類型中的非結構化和結構化數據寶庫中發現新的見解。

Language is a persistent challenge for businesses because it is always evolving and lives in many different forms. NLP parses language into its elemental pieces to help organizations unearth insights, make more informed decisions and create conversational experiences. Today's news builds on a series of recent announcements that demonstrate how IBM is advancingWatson'sability to understand the language of business – fromcommercializingcutting-edge capabilities from Project Debater to transforming thefan experienceat the US Open.


"Like the business world, Fantasy Football has access to massive amounts of data that can be extremely challenging to digest and glean meaningful insight from to make more informed and less biased decisions. IBM is advancingWatson'sability to understand the language of business to help our clients turn information into actionable insights," saidNoah Syken, Vice President of Sports & Entertainment Partnerships, IBM. "Trade Assistant with IBM Watson is a chance for the millions of ESPN's Fantasy Football users to directly interact with IBM Watson on a daily basis."

IBM體育與娛樂合夥公司副總裁總裁表示:“像商業世界一樣,夢幻足球可以訪問海量數據,從這些數據中消化和收集有意義的見解,從而做出更有見地、更少偏見的決策。IBM正在提升沃森理解商業語言的能力,幫助我們的客户將信息轉化為可操作的見解。”IBM Watson的貿易助理為ESPN的數百萬Fantasy Football用户提供了一個每天與IBM Watson直接互動的機會。“

Currently in its fourth season, ESPN Fantasy Football Insights with IBM Watson uses machine learning techniques to turn unstructured data into actionable insights by assigning a "boom" or "bust" designation based on the player's likelihood of exceeding or falling short of his projected scoring range. Users can then compare player data to help balance risk and reward across their roster. Where the average fantasy football user takes in fewer than four sources of data before making decisions, the Player Insights with IBM Watson feature analyzed nearly 228 million articles and delivered 25 billion insights to ESPN Fantasy Football users across the world during the 2019 season.1

目前已進入第四季,ESPN夢幻足球IBM Watson的洞察使用機器學習技術將非結構化數據轉化為可操作的洞察力,方法是根據球員超過或低於其預計得分範圍的可能性來指定“繁榮”或“蕭條”。然後,用户可以比較球員數據,以幫助平衡他們名單上的風險和回報。在做出決定之前,平均每個夢幻足球用户接受的數據來源不到四個,球員IBM Watson的洞察特寫在2019年賽季中分析了近2.28億篇文章,向全球ESPN Fantasy足球用户提供了250億條見解。1

For more information on IBM Watson, visit

有關IBM Watson的更多信息,請訪問visit

To play ESPN Fantasy Football Insights with IBM Watson and utilize Trade Assistant with IBM Watson , sign up download the ESPN Fantasy App from the App Store andAndroidstores.

去玩ESPN夢幻足球洞察IBM Watson並利用IBM Watson的貿易助理,在註冊,或從App Store和Android商店下載ESPN Fantasy App。



Angelena Abate





About ESPN Fantasy

關於ESPN Fantasy

Part of Disney's Direct-to-Consumer and International (DTCI) segment,ESPN Fantasyis the No. 1 provider in fantasy sports with a comprehensive portfolio of award-winning games and content serving more than 20 million fantasy players across the web, mobile, audio, linear TV, and streaming video. Drawing on resources from nearly every aspect of the division, ESPN Fantasy continues to innovate, expand and reach new and younger audiences with every initiative.

作為迪士尼直接面向消費者和國際(DTCI)部門的一部分,ESPN Fantasy是第一大夢幻體育提供商,擁有全面的獲獎遊戲和內容組合,為超過2000萬名奇幻玩家提供網絡、移動、音頻、線性電視和流媒體視頻服務。ESPN Fantasy利用該部門幾乎每個方面的資源,繼續創新,擴大並通過每一項舉措接觸到新的和年輕的受眾。

1Based on IBM and ESPNDec 31, 2019metrics







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