
From 2nd Generation AiPQ Engine, multi-categories to latest sponsorship, TCL reasserts its AIxIoT strategy to enable intelligent creativity at IFA2020

From 2nd Generation AiPQ Engine, multi-categories to latest sponsorship, TCL reasserts its AIxIoT strategy to enable intelligent creativity at IFA2020

從第二代 AIPQ 引擎,多類別到最新贊助,TCL 重新制定其 AiXIOT 策略,以實現 IFA2020 的智能創造力
美通社 ·  2020/09/03 19:15

HONG KONG, Sept. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- TCL Electronics (1070.HK), one of the dominant players in the global TV industry and a leading consumer electronics company with a mission to make life Intelligent, has reaffirmed at IFA2020 its commitment to AI x IoT strategy with AiPQ Engine™ Gen 2, smart multi-categories and latest FIBA sponsorship.

香港, 二零二零年九月三日 /PRNewswire/-TCL 電子 (1070.HK) 是全球電視行業的主要企業之一,也是領先的消費電子公司,其使命是讓生活智能化,IFA2020 再次肯定了其與 AIPQ Engine™ 第二代智能多類和 FIBA 贊助的人工智能 x 物聯網戰略的承諾。

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Global Marketing Performance


TCL has enjoyed strong growth in the early 2020. Despite unsettled economies, TCL has maintained impressive TV sales figures worldwide. In Q1 2020 alone, 4.27 million TCL brand TVs were sold with TCL QLED TV sales increasing 217.1% YoY.

TCL 於 2020 年初享有強勁增長。儘管經濟不穩定,TCL 仍在全球保持令人印象深刻的電視銷售數字。僅在 2020 年第一季,TCL 品牌電視的銷售量為 4.27 萬台,TCL QLED 電視銷量同比增長 217.1%。

In US retail market share, TCL brand TV ranked No.2* in Q1 2020. In Australian market, TCL ranked No.1 in March.  TCL has also enjoyed sale volume increase in Italy of 16%, Germany 15%, Czech 100%, Poland 38%, UK 100%, and in France ranked No. 3 in terms of market share.

在美國零售市場佔有率方面,TCL 品牌電視在 2020 年第一季排名第二 *。在澳洲市場,TCL 在 3 月份排名第一。TCL 也享有銷售量增加 意大利 的 16%, 德國 15%, 捷克百分之百, 波蘭 38%,英國 100%,並在 法國 在市場佔有率方面排名第 3。

Display Advancement


Driven by machine-learning algorithms matched with vast knowledge in human visual perception, TCL's AiPQ Engine Gen 2 switches on the full potential of TCL's big screen TVs with real-time audiovisual optimization according to various entertainment content genres and ambient watching environments. The advanced technology also allows global customization of the audiovisual performance for the unique applications of individual regions.

TCL 的 AiPQ Engine 第 2 代採用機器學習演算法與人類視覺感知的豐富知識相得益彰,可根據各種娛樂內容類型和環境觀賞環境,透過即時視聽最佳化來切換 TCL 大螢幕電視的全部潛力。先進的技術還允許針對各個地區的獨特應用進行全球定制視聽性能。

TCL's AiPQ Engine Gen 2 optimizes color, contrast and clarity for an unrivaled 4K HDR experience. When combined with TCL's continuous endeavor to drive QLED and Mini-LED technology, AiPQ Engine Gen 2 enables customers to enjoy upscaled non-4K TV content with TCL's leading 4K display capacities as well as powerful color and contrast performance.

TCL 的 AiPQ 引擎第 2 代最佳化色彩、對比度和清晰度,呈現無與倫比的效果 4K HDR 體驗。與 TCL 持續努力推動 QLED 和迷你 LED 技術相結合,第 2 代 AIPQ 引擎可讓客戶享受 TCL 領先業界的非 4K 電視內容 4K 顯示容量以及強大的色彩和對比度性能。



TCL showcased its 2020 QLED TV lineups, such as IMAX Enhanced and 8K Association certified X915 and EISA Award winner C815. TCL also presented the IF and EISA Award winner TCL TS9030 Dolby Atmos Ray·Danz soundbar and the TS8111 soundbar to further strengthen audio lineup. TCL has also launched air conditioner Ocarina and T-Smart, portable air conditioner models; washing machine X Series, P series, C Series refrigerator.

TCL 展示了其 2020 年 QLED 電視陣容,例如 IMAX 增強型和 8 公里 協會認證 X915 和 EISA 大獎得主 C815。TCL 還提出了 IF 和 EISA 大獎得主 TCL TS9030 杜比全景聲雷·丹茲條形音箱和 TS8111 條形音箱,以進一步加強音頻陣容。TCL 還推出了空調陶笛和 T-Smart 便攜式空調機型號;洗衣機 X 系列,P 系列,C 系列冰箱。

For mobile devices, TCL launches its latest tablets TCL 10 TABMAX and TABMID, TCL MOVETIME Family Watch MT43A and true wireless headphones TCL MOVEAUDIO S200. TCL also unveils the TCL NXTPAPER technology designed to combine the benefits of both screen and paper.

對於移動設備,TCL 推出了最新的平板電腦 TCL 10 塔美和塔米德,TCL 移動時間家庭手錶 MT43A 和真正的無線耳機 TCL MOVEAUDIO S200。TCL 還推出 TCL NXTPAPER 技術,旨在結合屏幕和紙張的優勢。

Sports Sponsorship


At IFA 2020, TCL has announced the reinforced collaboration with FIBA and will continue to attribute to international basketball community as FIBA Global Partner.

在 IFA 2020 上,TCL 宣布與 FIBA 加強合作,並將繼續歸功於國際籃球界作為 FIBA 全球合作夥伴。

Basketball is not just a game, it's a way of life for many of our fans. The partnership has 'switched on' more possibilities to bring basketball to our fans across the world, with TCL's latest products and technology.

籃球不僅僅是一場比賽,它是我們許多球迷的生活方式。此次合作關係使 TCL 的最新產品和技術「開啟」了更多的可能性,將籃球帶給世界各地的球迷。

* The NPD Group, Inc., US Retail Tracking Service, LCD TV, based on unit sales, Jan.- Mar. 2020 combined, March 2020, and April 5-11, 2020

*NPD 集團,美國零售跟踪服務,液晶電視, 基於關於單位銷售,1 月- 二零二零年三月 結合, 三月二零,以及 二零二零年四月五日

