
Cloudflare's Michelle Zatlyn to discuss building a company with a bold idea at TechCrunch Disrupt

Cloudflare's Michelle Zatlyn to discuss building a company with a bold idea at TechCrunch Disrupt

Cloudflare 的米歇爾·扎特林將討論在 TechCrunch 顛覆中建立具有大膽想法的公司
TechCrunch ·  2020/08/19 15:16


When you start a company, it can be tempting to keep it simple. You want something that investors and customers can easily understand. While it might be easier to go that route, that is not something thatCloudFlaredidwhen it launched a decade agoat TechCrunch Disrupt. Instead, the company decided to go big or go home, and went with the wild idea of building a faster and safer internet. Not too much pressure.

當您創辦公司時,保持簡單可能很誘人。您想要投資者和客戶可以輕鬆理解的東西。雖然走這條路線可能更容易,但這不是那樣的 CloudFlaredid 當它推出了十年前 TechCrunch 顛覆。取而代之的是,該公司決定走大或回家,並採取了建立一個更快,更安全的互聯網的狂野想法。不要太大的壓力。

It launched in 2010 with a free product and a paid tier and grew that original notion of delivering speed and security into a suite of products and services. Today, a decade later, CloudFlare is a public company with a market cap of nearly $12 billion.

它於 2010 年推出,提供免費產品和付費層,並在一系列產品和服務中提供速度和安全性的原始概念發展。十年後的今天,CloudFlare 是一家上市公司,市值近 120 億美元。

We are going to talk to company co-founder and chief operating officerMichelle Zatlynin a one-on-one interview atTechCrunch Disrupt 2020about what it took to build off that vision as an early stage company. They were going after established giants like Akamai at the time. They needed to build a network of data centers around the world, starting with five on three continents at launch.

我們將與公司聯合創始人兼首席運營官 Michelle Zatlynin 進行一對一採訪 AtTechCrunch 擾亂 2020 關於建立這一願景作為早期階段公司所需要的一對一採訪。他們正在追求建立的巨人像 赤舞 當時。他們需要在世界各地建立一個數據中心網絡,從三大洲的五大洲開始推出。

None of this could have been easy from an operations perspective. They were offering the bold assertion that they could make the world's websites faster and safer and do it in a way that didn't require any additional hardware and software. As an early adherent to the notion of cloud computing, they were giving customers the ability to do things that up until that point were only in reach of the largest internet properties, selling a value proposition that is common today, but was pretty unusual at the time.

從操作的角度來看,這些都不是容易的。他們提供了一個大膽的斷言,他們可以使世界上的網站更快,更安全,並以不需要任何額外的硬件和軟件的方式做到這一點。作為早期堅持雲計算的概念,他們為客戶提供了 能力 要做的事情,直到這一點只是在最大的互聯網屬性的覆蓋範圍, 出售的價值主張是常見的今天, 但是當時是相當不尋常.

We're going to ask Zatlyn how they built this early product, how they grew the product set and expanded their data center coverage to over 200 around the world and what it took do all that and eventually become a public company.

我們要問 Zatlyn 他們是如何構建這個早期產品的,他們如何擴展產品集,並將數據中心覆蓋範圍擴展到世界各地的 200 多個,以及如何完成所有這些工作,最終成為一家上市公司。

You can see this session on the Disrupt stage along with all the programming on the Extra Crunch stage, network with CrunchMatch and discover hundreds of early-stage companies in Digital Startup Alley with yourDigital Pro Pass purchase for just $345. There arediscounts available for students, government and nonprofit employeesas well as a great offer forearly-stage founders who want to exhibit in Digital Startup Alley.Get your pass todaybefore prices increase!

你可以看到這個會話上顛覆階段以及所有的節目上的額外緊縮階段, 網絡 CrunchMatch 和發現數以百計的早期階段公司在數字啟動胡同與你的數字臨通行證購買只 $345.為學生,政府和非營利組織員工提供折扣,以及希望在數字創業巷中展出的前期創始人的優惠。在價格上漲之前,今天獲取通行證! function() { var func = function() { var iframe = document.getElementById('wpcom-iframe-bc5e644f85a11b970469253c6a947a65') if ( iframe ) { iframe.onload = function() { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { 'msg_type': 'poll_size', 'frame_id': 'wpcom-iframe-bc5e644f85a11b970469253c6a947a65' }, "https:\/\/" ); } } // Autosize iframe var funcSizeResponse = function( e ) { var origin = document.createElement( 'a' ); origin.href = e.origin; // Verify message origin if ( '' !== ) return; // Verify message is in a format we expect if ( 'object' !== typeof || undefined === ) return; switch ( ) { case 'poll_size:response': var iframe = document.getElementById( ); if ( iframe && '' === iframe.width ) iframe.width = '100%'; if ( iframe && '' === iframe.height ) iframe.height = parseInt( ); return; default: return; } } if ( 'function' === typeof window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'message', funcSizeResponse, false ); } else if ( 'function' === typeof window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'onmessage', funcSizeResponse ); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { func.apply(); /* compat for infinite scroll */ } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', func, false ); } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', func ); } } )(); (函數 () {變種功能 = 函數 () {變種我的框架 = 文件. 獲取文件。('通訊框架) {iframe .onload = 函數 () {內容文件') 如果 (iframe) {功能 = 函數 () {內容。大小 ',' 框架標識 ':' WPCM-框架-bc5e6a11b9709253c6a65 '},「https:\/\ /tc保護德貝德網站」;}}//自動調整框架變種功能響應 = 函數 (e) {原點 = 文檔元素' href = e. 來源;//驗證消息來源,如果('TC保護特保護/網站== 原始 .host)返回;//驗證消息是我們期望的格式('對象'!== 類型的數據 || 未定義 === 數據類型)返回; 切換器 (例如數據輸入){案例 '民意調查大小:響應':變種 iframe = 文檔。框架寬度 = '100%'; 如果 (框架 && "=== iframe. 寬度) 寬度 = '100%'; 如果 (框架 &&" === 框架高度). 高度 = 解析 (例如. 消息 ',函數響應,假);} 否則,如果(' 函數 '=== 窗口類型附件){窗口附件(' 消息 ',函數響應);} 如果(文檔 .ReadyState ===「完成」){函數應用(); /* 兼容無限滾動 */ 否則如果(文檔。添加內容監聽器('不內容加載',功能,假);} 否則,如果(文檔附件){文檔附件文件('onreadystatechange',功能);}})();

