
DuPont Performance Building Solutions Announces DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™

DuPont Performance Building Solutions Announces DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™

杜邦高性能建築解決方案宣佈推出杜邦™ 泰衛® 屋頂保護裝置™
Business Wire ·  2020/07/14 16:45

The new Tyvek® Roof Protector™ color change from black to gray provides a cooler surface experience for builders and contractors on the roof

新的 Tyvek® Roof Protector™ 顏色從黑色變為灰色,為屋頂上的建築商和承包商提供了更涼爽的表面體驗

DuPont, a global science and innovation leader in the construction industry, announces the launch of DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™, a new product under the Tyvek® brand that provides a cooler gray color surface for builders and roofing contractors to work on. In addition to a color change, the new product features good walkability for safe working conditions, with a wrinkle-free and slip-resistant surface that allows for better traction and grip for contractors.

建築行業的全球科學和創新領導者杜邦宣佈推出杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™,這是 Tyvek® 品牌旗下的新產品,為建築商和屋面承包商提供更涼爽的灰色表面。除了顏色變化外,這款新產品還具有良好的易行性,可確保安全的工作條件,並具有防皺和防滑表面,可為承包商提供更好的牽引力和抓地力。

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The new DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™ provides a cooler, gray color surface for builders and roofing contractors to work on. (Photo: Business Wire)

新的杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™ 為建築商和屋頂承包商提供了更涼爽的灰色表面。(照片:美國商業資訊)

DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™ very effectively holds chalk lines with increased visibility, which provides speed and accuracy during installation of the final roofing assembly. It is designed to protect roof decks from wind and water with a durable weather barrier. Unlike other value synthetics, DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™ is much less prone to wind pull-up and tearing at fastener points during installation and is designed to lay flat. The product provides the ideal combination of protection and performance to get every job done quickly, effectively, and safely.

杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™ 非常有效地固定粉筆線,並提高了可見性,從而在安裝最終屋面組件期間提供速度和準確性。它旨在通過耐用的天氣屏障保護屋頂甲板免受風和水的侵害。與其他價值合成材料不同,杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™ 在安裝過程中不易在緊固件點上拉和撕裂,並且設計為平放。該產品提供了保護和性能的理想組合,可以快速,有效,安全地完成每項工作。

“Continuous innovation and improvement is at the core of our company,” says Ryan Gerulski, North America market manager, DuPont Performance Building Solutions. “The upgrades to our DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™ product line is just another example of our team taking customer feedback, market needs, and making improvements to ensure we have the best products for our customers.”

杜邦高性能建築解決方案北美市場經理 Ryan Gerulski 表示:「持續創新和改進是我們公司的核心。我們的杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™ 產品線的升級只是我們團隊獲得客戶反饋,市場需求並進行改進的另一個例子,以確保我們為客戶提供最好的產品。」

This engineered synthetic roofing underlayment has a high strength to weight ratio and is UV resistant for up to three months. Its strong tear resistant features provide long-lasting and high-performing moisture protection for an array of roof designs. The product is ideal for steep slope roofing applications under asphalt shingles or metal cladding, with printed guidelines for quick shingle alignment.


Brought to you by DuPont, the trusted name in total building envelope solutions, DuPont™ Tyvek® Roof Protector™ is covered by a 20-year limited product replacement warranty.

杜邦™ Tyvek® 屋頂保護器™ 是全面建築物信封解決方案中值得信賴的品牌杜邦為您提供,享有 20 年有限產品更換保固。

To learn more about this product, check out the product page here for more information.


About DuPont Performance Building Solutions


DuPont Performance Building Solutions is a global innovation leader in the building and construction industry, providing products and materials for all six sides of the building envelope. By developing solutions for managing the air, water and thermal performance of buildings and residences, we help our customers build energy-efficient, resilient, and durable shelters in a rapidly changing world. Backed by unmatched industry insight, building knowledge, and technical support, as well as world-class brands such as Styrofoam™Brand, Tyvek®, and Great Stuff™, our products and services portfolio enables customers to focus on what they do best, no matter where and how they choose to build.

杜邦高性能建築解決方案是建築和建築行業的全球創新領導者,為建築外層的六個側面提供產品和材料。透過開發用於管理建築物和住宅的空氣、水和熱效能的解決方案,我們幫助客戶在瞬息萬變的世界中建造節能、彈性和耐用的庇護所。憑藉無與倫比的行業洞察力,建築知識和技術支持,以及世界一流的品牌,如保麗龍™ 品牌,Tyvek® 和 Great Stuff™,我們的產品和服務組合使客戶能夠專注於他們最擅長的事情,無論他們選擇在何處以及如何打造。

About DuPont Safety & Construction


DuPont Safety & Construction, a DowDuPont Specialty Products Division business, is a global leader in products and solutions that protect what matters – people, structures and the environment – and enables its customers to win through unique capabilities, global scale and iconic brands including Corian®, Kevlar®, Nomex®Tyvek®, Styrofoam™Brand and Filmtec®.

杜邦安全與建築 唐杜邦 特殊產品事業部業務是全球領先的產品和解決方案,致力於保護人員、結構和環境等重要事項,並使其客戶能夠通過獨特的功能、全球規模和標誌性品牌贏得可麗耐®、Kevlar®、Nomex® 泰維克®、保麗龍™ 品牌和 Filmtec®。

About DuPont


DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials, ingredients and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, health and wellness, food and worker safety. More information can be found at .

杜邦紐約證券交易所:DD) 是全球創新領導者,提供以科技為基礎的材料、成分和解決方案,幫助改變產業和日常生活。我們的員工運用多元化的科學和專業知識,幫助客戶推進他們的最佳創意,並在關鍵市場(包括電子產品、運輸、建築、水、健康和保健、食品和工人安全)提供必要的創新。更多信息可以在網站上找到。

DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, ℠ or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted.

除非另有說明,否則杜邦™、杜邦橢圓形標誌以及所有標有™、℠ 或® 的商標和服務標誌均為杜邦 de Nemours, Inc. 的附屬公司所有。

