
Rivian Raises $2.5 Billion, Aiming to Launch EVs in 2021

Rivian Raises $2.5 Billion, Aiming to Launch EVs in 2021

利維安籌集了 25 億美元,旨在在 2021 年推出電動汽車
TheStreet ·  2020/07/10 07:32

Electric vehicle maker Rivian closed a $2.5 billion investment round, as it aims to bring the first all-electric pickup to market in 2021.

電動汽車製造商 Rivian 完成了 25 億美元的投資,因為它的目標是在 2021 年將第一輛全電動皮卡車推向市場。

The company says that it is focused on the launch of its R1T pickup and R1S SUV models as well as delivery vehicles for Amazon( AMZN ) - Get Report.

該公司表示,它專注於推出其 R1T 皮卡和 R1S SUV 車型以及用於運輸車輛 亞馬遜( AMZN )-獲取報告。

Rivian expects all three vehicles to launch in 2021.

利維安預計所有三輛車都將在 2021 年推出。

"We are grateful for the strong investor support that helps enable us to focus on execution of our products," Founder and Chief Executive RJ Scaringe said in a statement.

RJ Scaringe 創辦人兼首席執行官 RJ Scaringe 在一份聲明中表示:「我們非常感謝這些強大的投資者支持,這有助於我們專注於執行我們的產品。

No new board seats will be added as part of the funding round.


The round was led by T Rowe Price,( TROW ) - Get Reportwhich also led the company's December funding round of $1.3 billion.

這一輪是由 T 羅的價格領導, ( 小跑 )-獲取報告這也導致該公司的 12 月融資一輪 $1.3 十億。

Soros Fund Management and existing shareholders Amazon and asset-management giant BlackRock( BLK ) - Get Report, among others, also participated in the latest round.

索羅斯基金管理和現有股東亞馬遜和資產管理巨頭 貝萊德( BLK )-獲取報告等,還參加了最新一輪。

The electric-pickup market is soon to become very competitive with Tesla's( TSLA ) - Get ReportCybertruck, Ford's( F ) - Get Reportelectric F-150, and GM's( GM ) - Get ReportHummer electric pickup all expected to come to market within the next two years.

電動皮卡市場很快就會變得非常具有特斯拉的競爭力( TSLA )-獲取報告數碼卡車,福特( F )-獲取報告心 F-150 和通用汽車的( 通用 )-獲得所有預計在未來兩年內上市的 ReporThuMmer 電動皮卡。

Rivian's earliest investor was Amazon, which led a $700 million funding round in February 2019. Ford signed on next, investing $500 million in April last year.

Rivian 最早的投資者是亞馬遜,在 2019 年 2 月領導了 7 億美元的資金。福特接下來簽約,去年 4 月投資 5 億美元。

In September, Cox Enterprises subsidiary Cox Automotive invested $350 million and in December the company closed a $1.3 billion investment round led by T. Rowe Price with participation from Amazon, Ford and BlackRock.

今年 9 月,考克斯企業子公司考克斯汽車投資 $350 億,並在十二月,該公司關閉了 $1.3 十億投資一輪由 T. 羅威價格與亞馬遜,福特和貝萊德的參與。

Rivian was founded in 2009 in Carson, Calif., originally as a developer of an electric sports coupe like the Tesla Roadster before it shifted to luxury utility vehicles, according to a profile on the company.

Rivian 成立於 2009 年在加利福尼亞州卡森市,最初是作為電動運動轎跑車的開發商,例如 特斯拉 跑車轉移到豪華多用途車之前,根據該公司的個人資料。


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