
Bellatrix Announces Completion of Sale Transaction with Spartan

Bellatrix Announces Completion of Sale Transaction with Spartan

StreetInsider ·  2020/06/02 05:30

CALGARY, Alberta, June 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (“Bellatrix” or the “Company”) announces the closing of its sale transaction (the “Transaction”) previously announced on April 23, 2020 and approved by the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta on May 8, 2020 in Bellatrix’s proceedings under theCompanies’ Creditors Arrangement Act(the “CCAA”).

阿爾伯塔省卡爾加里,2020年6月1日(環球通訊社)貝拉特里克斯勘探有限公司. (“貝拉特里克斯“或”公司“)宣佈其銷售交易結束(”交易記錄)之前於2020年4月23日宣佈,並於2020年5月8日在Bellatrix根據《公司債權人安排法》(以下簡稱《公司債權人安排法》)提起的訴訟中獲得艾伯塔省皇后席法院的批准。CCAA”).

Pursuant to the Transaction, Return Energy Inc. (renamed Spartan Delta Corp.), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Winslow Resources Inc. (the “Purchaser”), has acquired substantially all of Bellatrix’s assets relating to its oil and gas business, with the exception of the Company’s working capital and certain other excluded assets. In addition, the Purchaser has assumed a number of liabilities of Bellatrix relating to its joint ventures and other agreements, and environmental obligations relating to the purchased assets.

根據交易,Return Energy Inc.(更名為Spartan德爾塔公司),通過其全資子公司Winlow Resources Inc.買家“)收購了Bellatrix幾乎所有與其石油和天然氣業務相關的資產,但本公司的營運資金和某些其他除外資產除外。此外,買方還承擔了Bellatrix與其合資企業和其他協議相關的若干責任,以及與所購買資產相關的環境義務。

Materials publicly filed in the CCAA proceedings are made available on the website of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., the Court-appointed monitor in the CCAA proceedings, at further information, please contact: Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. 1920, 800 – 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3T6 Phone: (403) 266-8670 Fax: (403) 264-8163

在CCAA訴訟中公開提交的材料可在法院指定的CCAA訴訟監督員普華永道公司(Pricewaterhouse Coopers Inc.)的網站上查閲,網址是:。詳情查詢,請聯繫:加拿大阿爾伯塔省卡爾加里西南大道Bellatrix Explore Ltd.1920800-5th Avenue電話:(403)266-8670傳真:(403)264-8163 www.bxe.comBellatrix Explore Ltd.1920,800-Five Avenue SW Calgary,Alberta,Canada T2P 3T6電話:(403)266-8670傳真:(403)264-8163


Source: Bellatrix Exploration Ltd.

消息來源:Bellatrix Explore Ltd.

