
UPDATE 1-Lilly, Junshi Biosciences plan to start human trials of COVID-19 antibody in Q2

UPDATE 1-Lilly, Junshi Biosciences plan to start human trials of COVID-19 antibody in Q2

Reuters ·  2020/05/26 22:22

(Adds details on the antibody, preclinical study results, background)


May 26 (Reuters) - Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co Ltd 1877.HK said on Tuesday it plans to start clinical studies to test its experimental antibody against COVID-19 in the United States and China in the second quarter of the year, with partner Eli Lilly and Co LLY.N .

路透5月26日電-上海君士生物科學有限公司1877.HK週二表示,計劃於今年第二季度開始臨牀研究,與合作伙伴禮來公司(Eli Lilly And Co LLY.N)合作,在美國和中國測試其針對新冠肺炎的實驗性抗體。

Lilly and several other drugmakers such as Gilead Sciences GILD.O , Pfizer Inc PFE.N and Merck & Co Inc MRK.N are racing to develop treatments or vaccines for the fast-spreading respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

禮來公司和其他幾家製藥商,如Gilead Sciences GILD.O,輝瑞公司(Pfizer Inc PFE.N)和默克公司(Merck&Co Inc MRK.N)正在競相開發治療或疫苗,以治療由新型冠狀病毒引起的快速傳播的呼吸道疾病。

Junshi said the companies intend to file an application to begin human testing of one of their two antibodies - protective proteins produced in response to infection - tested first in rhesus monkeys.


Shanghai Junshi said results from the preclinical studies, published in the science journal Nature, show that both the tested antibodies, called CA1 and CB6, showed substantial neutralization activity against the virus.


The company said CB6, which showed a greater reduction in virus levels in the monkeys, will be advanced to human trials.


Separately, Merck on Tuesday announced a deal and multiple partnerships to develop vaccines and test an antiviral drug against COVID-19.


