
Need To Know: FFBW, Inc. (NASDAQ:FFBW) Insiders Have Been Buying Shares

Need To Know: FFBW, Inc. (NASDAQ:FFBW) Insiders Have Been Buying Shares

需要知道:FFBW 公司(NASDAQ:FFBW)內部人士一直在購買股票
Simply Wall St. ·  2020/05/09 13:32


We've lost count of how many times insiders have accumulated shares in a company that goes on to improve markedly. The flip side of that is that there are more than a few examples of insiders dumping stock prior to a period of weak performance. So we'll take a look at whether insiders have been buying or selling shares in FFBW, Inc. (NASDAQ:FFBW).

我們已經失去了內部人士在一家繼續顯著改善的公司中累積了多少次股份。另一面是,在一段時間表現疲弱之前,有內部人士傾倒股票的幾個例子。因此,我們將看看內部人士是否一直在購買或出售股票 FFBW 股份有限公司(納斯達克:FFBW)。

What Is Insider Selling?


It's quite normal to see company insiders, such as board members, trading in company stock, from time to time. However, most countries require that the company discloses such transactions to the market.


We don't think shareholders should simply follow insider transactions. But it is perfectly logical to keep tabs on what insiders are doing. As Peter Lynch said, 'insiders might sell their shares for any number of reasons, but they buy them for only one: they think the price will rise.

我們認為股東不應該簡單地跟隨內幕交易。但是保持內部人士正在做什麼是完全合乎邏輯的。正如彼得·林奇(Peter Lynch)所說,「內部人士可能出於任何原因出售他們的股票,但他們只買了一個:他們認為價格會上漲。

Check out our latest analysis for FFBW

查看我們有關 FFBW 的最新分析

FFBW Insider Transactions Over The Last Year

FFBW 過去一年內幕交易

In the last twelve months, the biggest single purchase by an insider was when insider Warren Mackey bought US$250k worth of shares at a price of US$10.00 per share. So it's clear an insider wanted to buy, even at a higher price than the current share price (being US$8.99). While their view may have changed since the purchase was made, this does at least suggest they have had confidence in the company's future. To us, it's very important to consider the price insiders pay for shares. As a general rule, we feel more positive about a stock if insiders have bought shares at above current prices, because that suggests they viewed the stock as good value, even at a higher price.

在過去的十二個月中,內幕人士最大的單次購買是內幕沃倫·麥基以每股 10.00 美元的價格購買了價值 25 萬美元的股票。因此,很明顯,一個內部人士想要購買,即使價格高於當前股價(8.99 美元)。雖然自購買以來,他們的看法可能已經改變,但這至少表明他們已經有了 信心 公司的未來。對我們來說,考慮內部人士為股票支付的價格非常重要。作為一般規則,如果內部人士以高於當前價格購買股票,我們對股票感到更加積極,因為這表明他們將股票視為良好的價值,即使以較高的價格也是如此。

In the last twelve months FFBW insiders were buying shares, but not selling. You can see a visual depiction of insider transactions (by individuals) over the last 12 months, below. By clicking on the graph below, you can see the precise details of each insider transaction!

在過去的十二個月 FFBW 內部人士買入股票,但不賣出。您可以在下面看到過去 12 個月內(由個人)內部交易的視覺描述。通過單擊下面的圖表,您可以看到每個內部交易的確切細節!


There are always plenty of stocks that insiders are buying. So if that suits your style you could check each stock one by one or you could take a look at this free list of companies. (Hint: insiders have been buying them).

總是有很多內部人士正在購買的股票。所以,如果這適合你的風格,你可以檢查每個股票一個接一個,或者你可以看看這個 自由 公司名單。(提示:內部人士一直在購買它們)。

Insiders at FFBW Have Bought Stock Recently

FFBW 的業內人士最近購買了股票

Over the last three months, we've seen significant insider buying at FFBW. Overall, three insiders shelled out US$63k for shares in the company -- and none sold. This makes one think the business has some good points.

在過去的三個月中,我們在 FFBW 上看到了重大的內幕購買。總體而言,三名內部人士為該公司的股份剝奪了 6.3 萬美元,但沒有出售。這使得人們認為業務有一些好點。

Insider Ownership of FFBW

FFBW 的內幕擁有權

Many investors like to check how much of a company is owned by insiders. We usually like to see fairly high levels of insider ownership. Our data suggests FFBW insiders own 3.7% of the company, worth about US$2.4m. We prefer to see high levels of insider ownership.

許多投資者喜歡檢查一家公司中有多少內部人士擁有。我們通常希望看到相當高水平的內部所有權。我們的數據顯示 FFBW 內部人士擁有公司的 3.7%,價值約 2.4 萬美元。我們更喜歡看到高水平的內部擁有權。

So What Does This Data Suggest About FFBW Insiders?

那麼這些數據對 FFBW 內部人士的建議是什麼?

It's certainly positive to see the recent insider purchases. We also take confidence from the longer term picture of insider transactions. On this analysis the only slight negative we see is the fairly low (overall) insider ownership; their transactions suggest that they are quite positive on FFBW stock. So these insider transactions can help us build a thesis about the stock, but it's also worthwhile knowing the risks facing this company. While conducting our analysis, we found that FFBW has 2 warning signs and it would be unwise to ignore them.

看到最近的內部購買肯定是積極的。我們也從內幕交易的長遠情況中充滿信心。在此分析中,我們看到的唯一輕微負面影響是相當低(整體)內部所有權;他們的交易表明,他們對 FFBW 股票非常正面。因此,這些內幕交易可以幫助我們建立有關股票的論文,但也值得了解該公司面臨的風險。在進行分析時,我們發現 FFBW 2 警告標誌 忽略它們將是不明智的。

But note: FFBW may not be the best stock to buy . So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies with high ROE and low debt.

但請注意: FFBW 可能不是購買的最佳股票 。因此,請先看看這個 自由 有趣的公司列表具有高 ROE 和低債務。

For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulatory body. We currently account for open market transactions and private dispositions, but not derivative transactions.


If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.


We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.


